Well, not exactly half, more like 60-70% finished.
But the PVP game I have been working on is pretty close to being finished and in a playable state.
I have finished adding all 32 classes, and made a start on adding some sort of game modes.
There is still no match making features, and you technically cannot "win" the game yet.
Once finished, the objective will be to kill the enemies king.
But the enemies king is near their base, which is protected by towers and shrines. Towers attack you (and are fairly strong), Shrines spawn weak AI controlled enemies which act more as cannon fodder.
The King himself will also try to defend himself (and is infact the strongest NPC on a team), but does not move away from his base.
The game actually requires careful thinking and teamwork. If you do not play smartly, and for example run into groups of enemies and get killed, you make the enemy team stronger. NPCs included.
If you let enemies get stronger than you, you quickly will find yourself at a major disadvantage, and find it harder and harder to win.
You can download the current game here...
Or join the server I am hosting at...
Future plans include...
Adding match making features to the game.
Adding several game modes (at the moment they are War, which involves killing the enemies king, Deathmatch, which is pure PVP combat only, first team to [x] many kills wins, and free mode, which is for things like practise).
More maps
Possibly will add items to the game too, to allow for some form of customization for players.
Oh yeah, and thinking of a name for the game.
The game probably has bugs and balancing issues currently, reporting them so I can fix them would be a big help!
Sep 13 2009, 8:22 am