What are you possibly hoping to accomplish here?
I think that's the problem with the advice you're trying to give me. You're assuming that I'm trying to accomplish something. I'm simply putting ideas out there. I can't control how people use them and I wouldn't be dumb enough to put my hopes on it. I'd like to see BYOND improve because it's always nice to see things improve, but ultimately it doesn't impact me at all.
If you're doing this 'for the users' as you say, then how about making it less about being acknowledged and agreed with, and more about providing feedback in the way they want the feedback, so that it is most useful to them?
The posts in this thread are made mostly for the benefit of the staff (the libraries I create are what's done for the users). If I give them advice and they refuse to follow it because they don't like how I said it, it's their loss. If they want to make BYOND the best game development program it can be, it shouldn't matter how advice is presented (though, despite the accusations here, I've been very pleasant). If someone reported a bug in the rudest way possible, they should still fix it. It seems like they want to think I'm hostile so they can disregard the advice and not have to make any changes.
GameMaker: Studio
I think each of those has elements that can be learned from.
HaXe is delightfully simple. The huge-icon, bullet-point features are well-written and elaborative enough that they're slightly more telling than one-liners, but don't take up enough space that they're bothersome to the design.
It also has a common theme we'll be seeing, namely a top menu bar with 1-click access to a few key things: Documentation, Download, Community, and Reference.
GameMaker: Studio
I actually don't like most of gamemakers pages, because they're very uninformative. But the Studio page has a really important more-elaborated technical view. It includes some key things:
- A bullet-point longish list of features which almost anyone can understand, without prior knowledge of GameMaker.
- Screenshots of good-looking games.
- A list of supported operating systems
- A more elaborated version of what HaXe has with the feature icon bubbles, that lets you know enough to decide whether to use GameMaker or not, solely based on this page.
Collecting all of this on a single page is really key, because it lets you know:
- What can I develop. How will it look. How does it look in realtime? (The showcased games have trailers)
- What are the restrictions of the language (What operating systems does it support, does it require or use any key frameworks or system components?)
- How does this system/language help me work effeciently towards what I want, as an indie gamer / small software house?
And its very short and to the point, even though its a large page. Very few wasted words, and it never assumes what you want to do or how, it merely provides an overview.
SproutCore is an MVC JS framework for web development, not a game suite. So obviously its a bit different. But I just absolutely love the simplicity of the page you meet when you go to sproutcore.com. Again like the others, it does a similar thing: 1-click get started right in your face, a slightly elaborated visually pleasing list of key features, and some snazzy HTML5 to make you give the page an extra view. Notice the key named links at the top.
Dinner calls, so I don't have time to mention much about the last site yet. But mostly more of the same :)