ShadowKnight06 wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:---
ShadowKnight06 wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:---
ShadowKnight06 wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:---
ShadowKnight06 wrote:
On top of it, im not saying that its not a rip, im saying that it not only copied the game source from that other game, that it copied my ideas, and the coding that i put in it, so its still a rip with different stuff in just stfu already...---
I think your mentally challenged, that's just a Rebirth source renamed using Zeta icons, talk in close to complete sentences if you will please.
Are you fucking kidding me, i dont care about talking in complete sentences or not, im not in fucking school and your always trying to act all fucking one gives a shit, and on top of it im not saying that its not the fucking rebirth source with the zeta icons or what ever, im just saying that the original owner of the ws game used my old rebirth source that i had a while back and what i added or editted from my copied source she took and she put it in her game...thats all you fucking no like prick...
Sometimes I question if you use your brain what so ever, your acting as if you owned Rebirth, when in fact you don't. You also clarified your a certified ripper. The reason for complete sentences at least somewhat is so I can understand you. You talk in gibberish most of the time, or fractured English.
I just want to understand this...HOW THE FUCK DO I ACT LIKE I OWN REBIRTH...I dont even have the fucking source anymore, i had it like 6 months ago..
Then why do you keep insisting he stole things from your game, when your game was just a renamed Rebirth source. Thus acting like you own Rebirth.
im saying that he stole the codes that I added to the game from the rebirth not saying that its a big deal as it is now, but im just saying...
Codes you added? You realize that doesn't change the fact it's already a rip so it makes no difference, though your supposed codes are probably from demos and such.
no they arent, just because i ripped games before doesnt mean i dont code, i just didnt feel like coding much at the time, but i did code a lot of stuff on my own...
Codes you added? You realize that doesn't change the fact it's already a rip so it makes no difference, though your supposed codes are probably from demos and such.