Project Name:
Global Championship Wrestling

First and foremost, I want to say that I know what I want to do with this game. It's been worked on for over 5 years now, off and on. I have recently started over from scratch. I have been making pixel art for over 9 years now, so I know how to draw. I kid you not, I am only looking for someone mature, who can handle themselves. I don't want to babysit, I do that in real life by taking care of my daughter. For years I've always had poor team members on all of my projects. I do NOT want kids (meaning 16 and under) on my staff. It's just a personal prejudice I have from past experiences. If you know your wrestling history, and still are a fan or were... then I want you to join me. This is something even non-wrestling fans would enjoy. I have this all mapped out in my head, and came to sudden realization when I got home tonight. It's a MUST do. Once I complete this game, I can say, "Hey... I've finally done something worth while in my time on BYOND."

My project, GCW is a wrestling game set to have a superior amount of customization. Allowing players to create their own superstar, compete for championship belts, and expand their overall appearance. I want to make a name for myself by being the only guy on BYOND to create a worthy wrestling title. As far as deep details, I will say that the wrestling mechanics will be handled by a unique dice system. I've already created one, but I'm not too savvy on programming. Just know that with hard work, BYOND will experience the ultimate wrestling game.

Project Goal:
My personal goal is just to have a successful game be placed on BYOND. I might charge a subscription fee later down the road when a lot of content is in-game. Seeing as this is original, and my idea. I don't see why I shouldn't make some money as well. I want team members will WILL be dedicated to the project, and have great communication. I want developers to join me and create something amazing. I know everything about Pro Wrestling, and can fill in anyone who doesn't. I want to have a unique staff who knows what they are doing, and what they want.

Skills Needed:
You will need at least 2 years experience in pixel art, if you're applying for that position. If you're a programmer, you will need to understand the Dream Maker language pretty well. Lastly, if you're looking to design a skin and other graphical work, you will need to work with mainstream applications like: Adobe Photoshop & Macromedia Fireworks.

What I'm REALLY looking for is:
*1 Programmer
*1 Pixel Artist
*1 Interface Designer

Nothing spectacular. Just credit for helping me work on a possibly great game. Down the road when the time is right, I'll split the money earned from subscriptions for extra features such as: Custom Entrance Videos, Custom Entrance Music, Custom Locker Room, & various other items.

Team Members (Optional):
Me, Myself, and I.

Previous Work (Optional):
I'm not going to show any GCW screens, but I will direct you to my blog where I have an example image of my art skills.

Contact Information:
E-mail - Infamousincproductions[at]yahoo[dot]com
AIM - Branksyb0y