Keywords: event
IainPeregrine has announced that the 2009 Game in a Day event shall be held this weekend. Inspired by National Writing Month, the GiaD challenges participants to create a relatively complete game within 24 hours. Refer to IainPeregrine's post for the rules and methods used by the judges. Note that, unlike previous GiaD events, those who enter can state whether or not they want their source released to the public.

This is the 4th year that IainPeregrine has held the GiaD. Participants will have to wait until this weekend to find out this year's theme. Keep an eye on IainPeregrine's blog. Meanwhile, those interested in entering may also wish to read Acebloke's recent postmortem of two GiaD entries in which he focuses on documentation.
I feel that the pirate one was the most successful of all of the GIADs so far.

The lack of competition really makes it difficult for me to get motivated to really stay up 24 hours straight to make something hawt and sexay.

Note how the number of entries went from 20 to 12 to 7. If a prize or at least entry rankings are given, more than just "This is playable" or "This is not playable", more people would be motivated and interested in participating.
In response to your comment on my blog, D5, I've decided to open a poll so people can tell whether they like it one way or the other. You can read about my reasons behind this policy, or vote in the poll here.

I appreciate the feedback, and make sure that you're on the pager around 11pm eastern time tonight, because I'll be asking some developers for opinions as I finalize the theme. I've avoided setting it in stone because I want to participate, and I don't want to give myself a subconscious head start. :)
20 games, 12 games, 7 games. I don't get it, why are the entry numbers falling?
Tayoko wrote:
20 games, 12 games, 7 games. I don't get it, why are the entry numbers falling?

Wasn't the 07 one hosted by that random guy who disappeared before posting the results? That might explain the drop in the next year.

Anywho, I heard it got 21 entries this year! Beat the 06 count by 1 :)
DarkCampainger wrote:
Tayoko wrote:
20 games, 12 games, 7 games. I don't get it, why are the entry numbers falling?

Wasn't the 07 one hosted by that random guy who disappeared before posting the results? That might explain the drop in the next year.

Yeah it was, I didnt even know they looked at the games at all!
So quite fun to see the results.
However, what the hell did my result meen?

Result: Exply Genocide
EPA Order of Meyhem
