So I started this last night and with a few help of some people I got where I am now on it. Anyways, if you guys think you see anything that I did not(other then the pillowed bangs which i did purposely) and the hair is a bit over-done. Just post and let me know. C+C, no arguments etc. Post away.
Jun 14 2012, 10:17 am
Jun 14 2012, 10:40 am
How do you get that glossy look?
By using an array of colors correctly and placing them correctly. It's color choice, vibrant colors, not dull colors.
The hair looks artificial. It doesn't look like hair but like thick plastic wig on top of her head. Also, her right tit could use some tweaking around the nipple.
I agree with EmpirezTeam
Her right boob looks bigger than her left and her bangs look like plastic tubes unless that was what you meant by "pillow bangs" |
Boxcar seems to of improved the hair a bit, but the bangs look like leaves in his. The bangs seem to be the most noticable issue, but I think the lighting on the face, particularly near the left eye is a bit odd. Also the right eye looks smaller than the left if you really look at it. Too small in my opinion, but that could be an angle issue.
GTD has the right idea, restyle the hair to be consistent as he/she outlined.
The eye is off a little. The bottom of the eye should roughly be at the tip of the ear in height, if the head is angled straight up vertically. |
I agree with GTD, but it's also worth noting that I love the thin/sharp strands version. Both consistent versions would work, and round may suit the style you're aiming for more; not sure. Thin/sharp, however, looks frickin awesome and very anime-like yet realistic.
Looks better, only, the eyebrow isn't natural. It looks more like a brush than hair, lower it a bit and give it some body.
I like the hair. =] |
Awesome! The hair looks a lot better! Oh and you changed the hair color.. are you keeping it this color or are you planning to change it back to purple?
Eyebrow is definitely better, but it's a little too dark, and sharp. Try to anti alias it so it appears to somewhat fade into the face (just a little, you don't want it to look like a smear)
Maybe make it a little thinner, too, but that's just what I think looks good for a female, it's possible for an eyebrow to be that thick. Good work! |
Thanks, and yeah I'm keeping the hair this color, but I'm going to change the eye color though l0l.