Final Fight

by DarkMoonProductions
Final Fight
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast lands. Live and breathe the life as a Shinobi, Samurai and many others.
Keywords: gamenarutoayuda
BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Basic
Web Browser:Chrome 19.0.1084.56
Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
idk if only happens to me but when I try to download the game the doe stops what should I do or I do wrong? I am new to Byond games sorry if I do something wrong :) but I want to play the game
Everytime i enter the game i have this weird text
Unrecognized Or Innaccesele Verb:
Don't know if i spelled it right or not.
Wrong place I know but I just thought I'd let whoever reads this know that this community is shit, new players are told to quit because the game is not "noob friendly" if this is the kind of community you allow I feel sorry for you and hope the game dies quickly so that we might avoid cancer on Byond like you and your piece of shit game.