![]() Jun 13 2012, 11:17 pm (Edited on Jun 14 2012, 6:39 pm)
I mean COME ON. Isn't there any more originality in people who come to this website? DBZ games got banned now its Naruto, Bleach and Pokemon. Those 3 must take up over 50% of all the games. Not so many original games, agree? I am trying to make a game based off the show Knights of the Zodiac and that's not original. But better than those common 3 games. Especially since its the only one player game of the show here. But making a game based strongly off a show, especially the above 3 is so unoriginal. Why do people still do it? I do it because I love this show and there aren't any 1P plot-based games based off shit show.
His game isn't very original ..
I am trying to make a final fantasy-like battle system |
[...] since it's the only one player game here. Epic Stranded Castle Quarantine A Miner Adventure Zombie Apocalypse Simulator Regressia Invaders 90 Seconds Wrangle, Warp and Weep Yep. First single-player game on here. |
Not so many original games, agree? I am trying to make a game based off the show Knights of the Zodiac Agreed, that's not original. But making a game based strongly off a show, especially the above 3 is so unoriginal. Why do people still do it? Dunno, you tell us, you're doing it yourself. I assume because it's easy to look at something that already exists and go 'I want to make a game of that.' Coming up with wholly original ideas takes a little more thought. Your complaint isn't exactly groundbreaking, you know. Posts saying "All the games are anime clones" are a-dime-a-dozen. If you want it to change, be part of the solution, not the problem. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
His game isn't very original .. Excuse me but I am not making a final fantasy game. i am just doing this for practice |
Ndangerman wrote:
How is your idea orginal? your doing the same as they do, make a game based of a show.. 1) Its 1 player game 2) Its based on the plot 3) Its based of a show few people base it off |
Kumorii wrote:
[...] since it's the only one player game here. First single player game of my show I meant. Good list. |
Deathguard wrote:
Not so many original games, agree? I am trying to make a game based off the show Knights of the Zodiac I am not doing it. There are only a few games based off my show therefore its pretty original. And I believe I can make an original game. |
I agree with Deathguard reason people including myself make anime based games is because the idea is already givin to us. i myself fail at thinking up an original idea >.<
It's not original because it's based on a show. That's what original means. A new idea, rather than a derivative of an existing medium.
Deathguard wrote:
It's not original because it's based on a show. That's what original means. A new idea, rather than a derivative of an existing medium. Okay. But I think too many of the same anime games are being made. If not original then what's the word I'm looking for? |
Perhaps something like proliferation or excess, maybe. We have an excess of similar games in general. Heck, we have an excess of non-original games.
Deathguard wrote:
It's not original because it's based on a show. That's what original means. A new idea, rather than a derivative of an existing medium. Sadly, there isn't much originality when it comes to games in today's world. It's all about implementation and innovation now. I challenge you to come up with a single "original" idea, by your definition, that hasn't already been done in a previous game somewhere. |
I agree, there are way to many Naruto, Pokemon, and Bleach games on byond. Also, games based off of animes arent original, because you didn't create the theme of the game.
Add together common laziness with a common love for easiness, occasionally sprinkle in some youth then stir whatever you've got all together and you've got either an unreleased 'project' or a game made after another game or anime; possibly even using the source of another game.
Regardless of their age, many members of the BYOND community think they want to make a game. That's great, that's how it should be, and how BYOND needs it to be but for most members of the community that's as far as it goes on the right track before making at least one wrong turn; maybe even several. Most people go in either thinking they know what they're doing and not, or more likely simply not knowing what they're doing. They struggle to learn, or don't feel like putting in all the time and patience it would take to do so, and thus the natural laziness and or thirst for easiness kicks in. They gravitate toward things like already existing sources, or things like anime with already existing ideas and concepts and then they make use of them. All because it's easy, and they might like them and think they're fun so therefore their game will be fun. Guess what, though? It won't be, it'll just get played cause it'll probably be designed fairly poorly, easily abused, and lots of young people in the community will love it because they know no better yet. That's why it is how it is. Forget the fact that there is rarely anything truly original in gaming anymore, we're not even getting semi original much right now and the only way to change that is to be an example and try to become someone who is a part of the fix and not the problem. Things like Forum_Accounts Action RPG Framework should hopefully reduce the use of other peoples sources as well as improve the average BYOND games quality; at least a bit anyway. Originality, however, is gonna be far harder to fix and will take much longer; if we even can at all. Shifting the majority is a heck of a task now, but every original non-anime game out there helps so don't complain; just get out there and make one. Quick Side note: most people that do get into the game design process also do not know much about the right way to design a game either, so they often lose motivation, inspiration, or just plain make too many mistakes; thus causing them to give up even if their idea was actually original. That does not help at all, but thankfully some people do seem to be doing a nice job of trying to fix that; at least in my opinion. |
Toddab503 wrote:
Regardless of their age, many members of the BYOND community think they want to make a game. That's great, that's how it should be, and how BYOND needs it to be but for most members of the community that's as far as it goes on the right track before making at least one wrong turn; maybe even several. That's exactly what it is. BYOND attracts a lot of people who want to make games but lack the ability. BYOND is meant to partially bridge that gap. It does make game development easier but it's still bound to attract some people who won't invest the time or energy that's needed. In itself, there's nothing wrong with that. The world is full of people who tried to play the piano but lacked the patience and eventually gave up. That doesn't make them bad people. It's not a good thing that people try to make BYOND games and fail but it's expected - it's not a problem. The fact that most BYOND games aren't original is not the problem either. It's inevitable that people will want to base things off TV shows, books, movies, or other games - when you like a book or movie, that's what you do. It inspires you, makes you think, gives you ideas. If anything this is good - it shows that these people are thinking. The problem is that: 1. These BYOND games are bad. You're not all saying "c'mon, we have 100 legitimately excellent Naruto games, we don't need another". It'd be wonderful if BYOND had that problem - it'd mean that people are making good games at least, even if anime isn't your thing. 2. The people who make these games think they're good. BYOND has so many users on this level that they validate each other. Some of us would look at a pile of Star Wars icons attached to a map and some basic chat commands and call that an embarrassing failure. Most BYOND users would think it's an awesome game. This gives the game's developer the false notion that they're doing things correctly and that they understand how to make games. Since they don't actually know how to make games but they think they do, they'll never bother to learn. It shouldn't be the BYOND community's responsibility to tolerate or educate these people. Not only does it annoy the rest of us to have a bad community, it makes BYOND look bad to the rest of the world. If BYOND had a good game development community and you saw a post on the Game Maker forum saying "hlp w/ mah base icon plz", you'd post a link to it here and we'd all have a good laugh about it. Unfortunately, either this bad segment of the BYOND community purchases too many memberships (and the staff doesn't want to lose that money) or the BYOND staff is just too disconnected to realize that they could (and should) do something to improve the community. |
It shouldn't be the BYOND community's responsibility to tolerate or educate these people. What do you want us to do, exactly? Forbid anyone from making any game in an overpopulated genre, put a blanket forum ban on asking 'dumb questions,' - on anyone who doesn't meet your standards of literacy and education? Ban anyone who doesn't arrive at the community behaving like at least a semi-professional or enthusiast software developer? It shouldn't - and can't, practicably - be the job of the 'real' staff or the moderators to 'keep out' people that the "real" developers don't like. That's elitism, and if we wholeheartedly turn to elitist 'purges' of 'undesirables' than what we have is a website run by party-politics and enforced by the whims of a select, haughty few. Even I, with my reputation, deserved or undeserved, for 'overmoderation,' don't think it's practical to maintain some sort of 'immigration policy' to the entire BYOND community based on whether we think someone has the right personality or emotional/mental development ( yet! ) to participate. We ban people for gross breaches of etiquette. We can't pre-emptively exclude people on the grounds they MIGHT ( heck, even PROBABLY WILL ) join the overpopulated fangame genre, and start talking about their 'base iconz.' |
The problem isn't that these people exist but that the website seems to welcome them.
Most of the tutorials are incredibly basic and seem to be geared at people who have never even heard of programming before. People have to start with the basics but they don't have to start here. There's no reason BYOND has to teach people what a computer program is or what a variable is. There's nothing to gain by providing this basic education. There's much more that people will need to learn before they will be decent game developers and BYOND doesn't cover those intermediate steps. Focusing on the most basic information makes it seem like that's what BYOND is about - that it's the game development tool for people who can't program. There was also a lot of work put into the classified ads forum to monitor the threads and to change how it works. It's all wasted effort since 99.9% of the posts in there are garbage that makes the community look bad. If a decent BYOND user had a classified ads kind of request, they probably wouldn't use the classified ads forum because it's so terrible. BYOND has games and games attract players. Some of those game players are going to try making a game and fail. We can't prevent that from happening. This isn't about keeping people out. It's more about giving people the right idea about game development. When those inexperienced developers fail, we don't want them to say things like "hlp code my game plz my base is broke". It's not that people have to phrase their questions better and that we should delete these kinds of comments, but that there's nothing about the BYOND website to guide people in any direction but that. BYOND gives people the ability to spread their ill-conceived ideas about how game development works while offering very little information about how you actually should use BYOND to make games. |