In the past few months, a surprising number of people I know have broken one of their arms in various accidents. I realized that this can happen to anybody, including all of you. I, however, decided I would be prepared for the possibility of this happening to me. How?

I've started writing with my Right Hand.

Well, I'm a natural leftie, so If I broke my left hand, I'd be in a bit of a pickle. I've been training my writing skills with my lesser-used hand for a while, and I've vastly improved. I plan to be Fully Ambidexterous before the year is out. In the event of my left arm being broken, I will be prepared!

(If you haven't tried writing with your weaker hand, you should learn as well!)
We should learn to write with our feet too, in case - god forbid - we have an accident that breaks both arms.
I can write with my mouth! :D Except I tend to drool all over the paper, but still...
I would start practicing, but, well, my right hand is broken as we speak type. :-P