(See the best response by A.T.H.K.)
Lets say i want to create a system that makes it so when you click yourself like it can check your stats showing level,money,rank and such similar to the G.O.A. system of checking stats.?

Thank you in advance!
Best response
Well .. I would do a pane or a browser pop up.

Obviously using winset winget etc.

You can make it click on the player and/or a link on the players name for the chat window.

I would also use Topic to add in some nifty links like trade or "friend" that'll make the game more personal.
I would go with using the DblClick() proc along with either a browser and from there you can use html or whichever you prefer, or create another window-pane in the interface editor and have labels and buttons for the statistics and options.
I would go to DM Guide.