(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
smile(M as mob|null)
if(!M) //no target mob specified
usr << "You smile."
oview() << "[usr] smiles."
usr << "You smile at [M]."
M << "[usr] smiles at you."
oview() - M << "[usr] smiles at [M]."

Problem description:

how to exclude usr from this mob list
Best response
I think this would work:
smile(mob/m as mob|null in world.contents - usr)

world.contents is a built-in list of everything in the world. Filter it by mobs and subtract usr and you should get a good list of non-usr mobs. I don't know if it would actually work though, because of the use of usr in the arguments.
smile(M as mob in oview() - usr|null )

i modified your code a bit. it works
There is no need to create a list, but i guess what ever gets the job done ? Kaiochao #2 is the way i would do it