Duel Monsters Genesis

by EternalDuelistSoul
Duel Monsters Genesis
It's time to Duel!
BYOND Version:494
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Internet Explorer 7.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
it is not letting me get on i have the latest version.one day i was on then the next day it would load then it the byond window would just dissapear.please fix.

its not letting me on
its still not letting me on
i got banned for saying bye..
thats stupid
me too what`s the proplem????
i have the same problem
In response to Uppala
Uppala wrote:
i got banned for saying bye..

Connection Closed, anyone getting this message?
In response to Duelistoftheroses