Somebody explain me what the [heck] happen this year?
Microsoft is just becoming a entertainment system and slowly going away to making core games for gamers. Like really? Rumors were true.

Sony had some good new IP's

Beyond, Awesome game
Last of us (Looks amazing).
But no excuse.

I don't know what the hell they were thinking.

........... what now?

Splintercell: Blacklist
Assasins Creed 3
Alot others...etc...

Other games i Liked:
Sleeping dogs That was pretty damn impressive.
God of war Prequel, looks good actuallu.

But The Winner here folks:


Ubisoft, thats right a third party developer that showed alot of Good sequels and games. They blew me away from there presentations. Good job. As for the main 3. Sony did good. but not well. Nintendo was alright. Microsoft. No words can describe how pissed I was of what there plan is in the future. No more games. Just entertainment box.
BS, Disappointed. :/

Comments Below, No biggie. Troll, hate, like, whatever.
Microsoft needs entertainment they dont have anything which WII and Sony has. Xbox needs this stuff to catch up.
Ubisoft's was certainly the most entertaining.
Sony did have a few good games.
I like how Nintendo is going to have HD graphics and third-party games on par with its competitors. The second screen also seems like it will be fun to use.
Microsoft's presentation was pretty bad. Half of it wasn't even about games.

I feel like both Sony and Microsoft came up with ways to compete with Nintendo's Wii U Gamepad. With Microsoft, it's Smart Glass. With Sony, it's the Wonderbook. Is Nintendo the only company that can truly be innovative without copying its competitors? (In past years, it was motion controls.)

Overall, the presentations were pretty bland, with hours of just watching people play games with no one narrating. There were parts when there were music performances by special guests, which is all fine and good, but this isn't the Superbowl. (No matter how much you want it to be, Reggie.)