(See the best response by The Motto.)
Alright i was wondering if i can get help to make sections in games such as like lets say i wanna have a game with a section of anime or action so i can click a tab that auto transports you into that series i haven't really tried doing it myself because i don't know where much to start of that code so if anyone can help please answer.Ty in advanced.
Best response
I for one don't know how to do it when someone clicks a tab it Transports Them In and Out of Anime or Action.
Why Not Add in Login A Choice ? You Can Do This By
switch(input("Will You Like to be Anime or Action")in list("Anime","Action"))
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z)//Where Ever Anime World is
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z)//Where Ever Action world is

If During The Game You Want Them to be able to go back and forth You can create a verb based on the sample i gave you above
Yes thank you that helped very much and thats what i meant by login so when you login you get to choose wow seems like such a simple var but yes thank you it helped alot.
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