Lol everyone making base nowadays so i'd like try something new how's this?
Gimme so uhh. . feedback or constructive criticism.
Jun 5 2012, 5:33 pm
Jun 5 2012, 5:43 pm
I like it! You're getting quite good.
In response to BayJune
Thank Kyuu :D
In response to Dr.Penguin
lols... no ..
In response to Skyiden
Lol i guess. . .?
- Skin Tone
Why is everyone using that fleshed out ginger bread man skin tone, you need have variations between your colours, otherwise your shading just blends in. - Character Your base lacks it, it has hardly any body definition, as-well as facial definition - Feet Position My edit doesn't correctly show whats wrong with your positioning of the feet as it was quick, but you currently have the perspective of someone standing in a side scroller - Head Position Again, side scroller perspective, currently you have the perspective of a side scroller, which means the base is currently laying on the floor looking directly at the player, that is if he is in a non-side scroller game. |