Keywords: base, female, icon, male, terra
Well, I intend on working on a game. It's meant to look cartoon-ish in nature, based in a realm called Mythe.

I made a male and female base. Here are the idle for both.



So.. Feedback please?

Edit Using the example Jordan had given, I redid both.
Looks good to me.
I'm not good with perspectives and stuff but the feed shouldn't be slanted down like that or something. Also the male's east and west dir doesn't seem to have as much details as the north and south. On the female i think you shouldn't make the shoulders go out as much .. . . but that's just me i don't kno much
I liked the male east/west more then the north/south, tbh. I'll work on the detailing on the chest a little more, if that's what you mean.

I'll edit the female shoulders and edit the post, just give me a few moments :)
Now make the movements hehheheheh hahahahahahah
It's a nice start. You did good capturing the shape. But there are some anatomy issues that need a little editing.

Unless you're aiming for a cowboy showdown game, I suggest relaxing his arms. His legs are also really spread out, and it'll look weird when you make him walk. I also think the head is a bit big for his body.

The female's arms are too short. And try adding some curves to better define her as a female.

It's late here but I tried doing a quick edit on things I talked about. It might not be the style you're going for, but I hope it helps a bit.
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@Penguin; The movement has been done. Didn't want to post it until I got a finalized idle so I could edit the movement to fit the new idle.

@Jordan; I agree about the head. I did think it was a little big. And I like your bases, but the man seems a little stiff, rather relaxed.

I'm going to do a few edits and post the finished idle in a few.
Well what about now?
looks worse in my opinion id go back to the way you had it at first
Also it looks like your base have to much of a small body i mean it's skinny as hell. Widen it a bit make it touch the hands. Also the feet Looks really big still make it smaller.
-A Edit of what i mean.( i'm not the best with edits and stuff Jordan's edit's better but still here' what i mean)