
While on my quest to find an internet game worth playing I found this one. How to Raise a Dragon.

This game is about the life of a dragon, from hatchling to elder dragon. You learn that what the hatchling eats determines the color of it's skin. The more foods that the dragon eats, the more color its body will have.

Once the dragon enters adolescence you also learn that this is the stage in which the dragon develops its breath powers. The four major breath powers are fire breath(most common with the majority of dragons), water breath(the ability to restore a damaged or dead plant, tree, etc), healing breath(the ability to heal a dead or injured being), and magic breath (alot like water breath but with different properties). But along with breath powers the dragon has the hight of a full grown human and gains alot of strength and knowlege of the world around it.

Now comes adult hood. The dragon can finally fly now that its wings are fully developed. This is when is travels throught the world, causing destruction, peace or just settling down in a cave and watching the world as time goes on. Many dragons are known to take complete control of a village, town, country, etc.

This is when the hero comes in.Many have tried to defeat the mighty dragon but all have failed except one. If the dragon is a tryrant then the hero usually overcomes the dragon with force or giving it riches and ruling along side the dragon. If the dragon is friendly the hero may still defeat the dragon by force. Or the hero might become friends with the dragon by giving it a gift.

Check the game out!
Interesting, I'm about to play that. :D