Two days after switching back to my stacking chair, a $45 investment I dub, "The Taskmaster," I've an hour and a half of medium-intensity exercise and brain-numbing contemplation as to the nature of my procrastination to show for it. It seems to be working.
By the way, the result of said contemplation is remembering what it all comes down to: as the local shoe company would say, it's time to just do it. It deeper than selling shoes, it's a Zen understanding: dualism is an illusion, there is no second me pushing me to do something, there's just me choosing to do something or choosing not to. There's not even such a thing as a future - I'm either doing something, right now, or doing it does not exist in anything but my imagination.
A Broader Perspective Of Game Development
By and large, being a computer game developer - whether independent or on a larger scale - is being a specific kind of entertainer. If you don't enjoy creating art, it shouldn't have any appeal for you, and the products you create a likely to be completely soulless.
Of course, if you're programming, you're actually operating on a soulless backdrop: these over-glorified adding machines we call computers. Computer game developers have a fascinating pursuit: we seek to bring life where there is none. Perhaps this is what all artists do - it's not like a canvas has a rich inner life, either.
That said, if you're trying to decide on a game to play, right now you're being confronted with an extreme glut of mixed signals.
You've got the big-name game developers flaunting major brand names (or what they hope will be a major brand name) and they accomplish this by largely trying to conform to other people's expectations. Seriously, the reason why the big-name games seem like such shallow pieces of crap is because they were designed to please shallow people. The main reason they do this is because they're working with big, expensive technology and they're not going to recoup their investment if only a handful of people are so very hardcore as to want to play it. Unfortunately, having a big budget has little to do with whether or not the game will be good.
The ultimate problem with being a big-name game developer is that you're such a disposable commodity, your fate is to be used and dumped on the street. Hurray for Corporate America. A lot of people are wising up to this, so what they're doing is going into business for themselves. Examples of these people are in flash game portals or browser-based game creators. They're basically kids self-taught or fresh out of their gaming schools, existing in such numbers as to completely bury what indy developers used to be.
Then you've got me, on the opposite end of the big-name developer: a highfalutin, artsy-fartsy, arrogant son-of-a-bitch, who completely undermines capitalism in that he doesn't care if he makes a dime (though that would be nice), seems to be going solo on the grounds that socialization is hard, yet thinks he can make a better game than a big name developer out of 32x32 tiles and a whole lot of duct tape. He's right. (I said, completely biased.)
Of course, as in any scenario where you suggest something is either one thing or another, there will be so very many exceptions to the rule as to render the rule a complete fallacy which should be tossed out the window, spend some time as a public toilet, then burned and fired off into the sun. For example, some big-name developers seem to actually know how to make deep, satisfying games... they just seem to be an exception to the rule, and don't seem to stick around very long (probably because the hardcore alone can't fund them).
So, where are we?
We oft complain that our games might only be played by 2 players, on a high, unless you're riding the coat-tails of some popular IP to get people's attention. However, considering the sheer vast number of alternatives to play out there, is it really any wonder? It's bad enough that games are devalued to the point where you can play all you could want, for free.
Instead, I would say my goal is this: there's so much crap on the market right now that it's actually easier for me to create my own then to try to find the one game out there that does exactly what I want it to. As statistically probable as it is a game like that may exist, it's just that much more work to find.
This might seem like a lesser assignment but, if you ask me, this actually gives us a major advantage. The vast majority of developers out there are developing because they hope to make money out of it. Consequently, their games emerge as having the wrong motivation: they're machines to print money, not games. If you want to make a game because you want to have fun, then your game actually was developed under the right motivation.
When push comes to shove, isn't that what this is really all about? It doesn't matter if your game is played by 2 people. It doesn't matter if you're the only one that plays your game. Making your own game gives you the opportunity to truly, and finally, bring about a game that was created purely for the joy of being played.
If it's really that good, you might be surprised to discover, you've created something that other people want to be a part of - but don't be surprised if they never show up because, after all, finding your game against all the other noise out there is hard. You'd have better luck going to message boards and advertising... but that sort of misses the point. The point is that, so long as your intent is pure, you're developing the game to be awesome in and of itself, even if nobody plays it but you.
Right - I've ranted enough - time for that "just do it" thing I was talking about earlier.
The sticking point for me is that, philosophically speaking, I can't make a game that exactly suits another person because I would need to be them -- I can't read minds.
However, what I can do make a game that exactly suits (insofar as my ability to create it) my idea of a good game. My approach is to not create a game for imaginary concepts of what people might like and instead make a game for a far more realistic concept of what I like, and consequently it should emerge a better game. However, I'm more or less banking on doing the same thing you are. Once I'm satisfied with the game I've made, I might go about advertising it. At this point, I'm banking that there's a certain mutual human character that will cause them to find the game to be as awesome as I do. The BYOND structure is nice in that I could earn a little money, maybe charge something like $1/mo for optional nice features that don't unbalance the game, but I don't want to get too focused on this. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd rather have a good game than a popular game, but it wouldn't bother me if it turned out to be both. |
My main driving force, essentially, is getting to show
I can honestly say that I don't make my games for me, because I never really play them for my own entertainment... For instance, my semi-linear RPG-ish DBZ fangame (DBTC) has a definite progression of events and an underlying storyline, yet I've never played it through end-to-end... Sure, I've play tested each individual part, but I've never actually created a new character and played it through as a player (which is actually why it has such terrible difficulty progression... I've never really made sure that the arbitrarily set enemy power progression actually matches up with the average player progression) And I'm honestly not very fond of the work that goes into making a game... I see most of it as a necessary chore in the way of seeing my ideas come to reality... My main payment in this undertaking is in releasing a game to the public, and hopefully receiving some praise in return... I crave the public's compliments (even the silent one of seeing the download numbers and high scores list rise) I mean, sure, I like being able to create... I like having an idea, and being able to bring that idea to fruition... But even that takes a back seat to getting to show off that work... I suppose this is a major motivational force behind most art... Writers, artists, musicians, etc. all do what they do for the joy of creating, yes, but most of them do so for the joy of showing off (regardless of getting paid to do so or not) |
All you folks with all your great thoughts and all that skill should be working together to create great games. Simple. Done. Win. Just start small and grossly detailed and have fun. Make it a social challenge among peers. Make it less about the game but more about... "hey, check out this last bit of "wow" I added to our fun time project..." I'm in it personally to try and just "wow" folks as much as possible. I found that really easy to do as a feature but I haven't finished a single game that contains a bunch of "wow" features yet. Therein my motivation currently lies. - "What's blocking me from getting the "wow" out?" - Alright, go fix that." ts |
The problem is that group projects are notoriously difficult to keep up without the binding motivation of a paycheck...
Unpaid hobbyists without a very strong shared vision (IE everyone involved has to be just as gung-ho about the project as everyone else, and they all have to be on the same page in terms of design, or very willing to compromise) can't really be trusted to all stick with it, or with each other... So even though it seems as if you took each of the really talented BYOND developers and stuck them together they could churn out some completely mind-blowing games as a team, it's very unlikely that they could all work together, or that all of them would see it through to the end... On top of that, though, with talent comes ego... Not many talented developers (including myself, if I can be allowed to call myself talented) are willing to give up control over their projects, or even share the spotlight on one... |
One of these days, I'll sure I'll find some good folk to work with. However, right now, I'm just working on refining the theory. These games double as mock-ups for interesting game concepts.
I'm a bit like Tesla or Di Vinci in his lab. Though I'm sure I sound way too arrogant to compare myself to some of the great minds from the ages, I'm actually just saying that the technique is the same: You don't just run off and find a team, you tweak the snot out of something you're working on first, then run off and find a team if you decide it's time to produce a much bigger version of it. That said, it is indeed a wonderful luxury to have skilled people you've a great rapport with working with you. You can produce so much more so much quicker, it's like magic compared to working alone. I'm not saying my approach is for everyone, either: I'm an INTJ/INTP by nature; for me, a team is just a drag on my energy until the necessity emerges. However, the "work by yourself in a lab" approach would be murder on a more extroverted individual. |
While I definitely wont have a 100+ player count, which I'm fairly certain most servers wouldn't be able to reliably host anyway, that is not my project goal. My goal is to both make a game I enjoy playing and one I can advertise outside of BYOND. So far I genuinely enjoy playing my game and other communities have taken a liking to any information I provide about it. The comments from non-BYONDers can unveil glaring design issues or be a tremendous boost to productivity. Both are equally important.
While this may work in my case, it doesn't work for everyone. I believe most BYOND developers make games with the sole intention of playing administrator on a server with 50+ players on it. With this sort of mindset any game similar to yours with a high player count just becomes a deterrent. In the process of trying to cannibalize the other game's player base your own project will most likely suffer from out of control feature creep as well as other compounding problems. In your quest to match the feature list of the other game you would most likely be bogged down in development and eventually just abandon your own project.