This is a mixture of bugs as well as possible balance concerns (Many of your game mechanics are very abusable and im sure you did not intend them that way) Im just gonna make this my final thread for bugs i find and continue it onward.
If you want to address specific issues or ask questions or anything of the sort, Just address them by their numbers from the post so i can attempt to help you out more (If you were wondering i continued my numbering from other threads, points 8-18 are all bugs/exploits, the rest are just other concerns
8. ***** Game breaking bug ***** I call this one the human battery. Its potentially abusable, but I'm not 100% sure how to reproduce the bug, I just know it happens, and semi often. At some point dungeons with power doors just automatically start opening as you walk past them, I haven't the slightest clue why, but I've had it happen all throughout huzza as well as several earlier zones, Its odd because even relogging doesn't make it go away. It seems to randomly stop as well. This bug allows people to skip through 3/4ths of dungeons where you gotta adventure to find a battery and or wires
9. Not so much a bug as much as a typo, but you mixed up the names of the water relic and the wind.
(Ingame water does the critical strike and speed, and wind does the MP and what not, not sure if it actually does that or its just the popup text, but its wrong none the less.)
10. This kinda goes with the relics overall, The triple shooting arrow mechanic doesn't seem to work at all (haven't tested projectiles yet)
11. The blessing resetting NPC you can't interact with at all rendering him useless.
12. ******Game changing exploit****** If you send the attack command to the game quickly enough with SLOW weapons, it ignores attack speed delay completely. Fast weapons aren't effected by this approach, But you can make a Scythe attack 4x as fast as a dagger, this is very problematic when you can just demolish anything in the game instantly (Key word instantly) bar the bosses who survive for 2 seconds longer
13. Mage staff casting does not always work (which is odd because skill bar ones do) and im pretty sure the blessing that gives a chance to not consume MP is broken, because i tested it quite a bit and never got it to proc.
14. Vanity items automatically unequip for some reason between dungeons and relogs (even if you save with one equipped)
15. The blaze spell acts quite volatile. (Partially due to the fact on how you have rooms divided to attempt to prevent sniping with spells) but the spell can actually blow up in thin air then aoe random monsters that aren't near the "target" and it also becomes inconsistent when shooting into a pack of mobs.
16. The cooldown reduction blessing doesn't seem to have an effect considering you can just spam spells and there's no cooldown (Doesn't seem to help weapons either)
17. The t2 Violent crystal when enchanted onto an item shows up with the tier 1 name. Not sure if its just a labeling error or if its giving reduced bonuses as well.
18. The hunter orb doesn't seem to make bows shoot faster (Not sure if this is just my eye playing tricks on me or not, but I'm 99% it doesn't work properly) This + the definite relic issue harms archers effectiveness)
Balance concerns:
19. The tile detection blessing is really overpowered(Not sure if intentional or not) you proably never noticed cause im probably the only person who picks it lmao. You can literally sit back with a bow and spells and snipe npcs WITHOUT THEM EVEN AGROING. this is huge, you can clear dungeons with zero resistance. This can also double for meleers. You can say walk upto 2 mobs standing next to each other and melee one to death without the other one detecting you so long as you dont AOE.
20. This may be intentional, but if you use an AOE spell to agro monsters through a wall, you can kill them with that and/or pull out whips and kill mobs through walls resulting in god mode clears of dungeons.
21. This isnt so much a bug as much as a suggestion, but it would be cool if you made it to where if you attacked an NPC whos shielding from behind it hits them anyway (kinda silly a shield protects your back when you face forward) but thats got nothing to do with anything.
Overall recommendation: Be careful with content you add into the game until its thoroughly tested so you don't ruin a potentially great gaming experience. Hopefully You can fix those errors before people abuse their way through well crafted levels by using mediocre tactics. You should also consider re balancing classes to make them all as viable as each other.
Don't neglect testing game mechanics. If you need help testing new stuffs, or old stuff, or old stuffs compatibility with new stuff, I would be glad to sit down and help you with that before you make new versions public
I deserve a trophy fully of cookies for all my courageous work man :D
![]() May 30 2012, 11:27 am
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funny, i just noticed the number 108 embedded in your key. that's my lucky number, i see it everywhere
I can demonstrate 12 to you if you want its something i can reproduce 100% of the time
I cant seem to activate idols anymore after latest update
15 seems like it was taken care of. same with 19 |
Tbh I feel semi confident that half these orbs and blessings dont work at all. IDK i Equipped juggernaut, it definitely didnt increase HP regen (thats easy to watch) same with the Mana regen (unless you arent making it update the hud but it is?)
also, it seems like you broke agro radius a bit, archers and mages seem to agro from too far now (sometimes before i open a door they are already on me)
im pretty sure mana/hp regen works fine
they also shouldn't attack you unless you attack them first... i'll look into it most of the orbs and blessings work, if you have specific ones you dont think work i'll test them |
And uhh yeah my character met the same fate as poor cragbo except i suspect hes fucked. Perhaps when you fix that you should have everybodies blessings get reset to zero and refunded on first login on the next patch
***and i can confirm that number 8 has not been fixed |
example. Dodge. Ninja orb = 40% +5 in reflexes = 25%
65% dodge (In theory) Now stand next to a mob and spam heal yourself. you will get hit every time |
btw youve successfully played through all the clockwerk dungeons? I dont see how you can beat the first one. It leads to a dead end
Well its just the entire dungeons layout, i cant screen the whole thing. So ill walk through what i did
1. grab key from first chest 2. open door proceed through portal 3. Hit lever rush through door 4. Arrow the electro target, put rock on door pad 5. Hit lever, run through second door 6. Place rock on pad, Loop around the right, hit the lever, then pull the rock through the left door. 7. Move that rock to the next pad, grab key from chest. 8. Take rock from upper left room and place it on the upper right pad (this doesnt seem to effect anything, especially considering that the current gets broken by the closing door as well) Doesnt lead to anything either that i can see. 9. Pull that rock from below it back down through the door when you hit the lever (so you dont get trapped out) 10. Open bottom door from main room, grab key in right, grab armor or portal gun from left chests. Now heres where i'm like ??????? You can hit the upper middle lever, which opens thats random extra door that doesnt lead to anything you couldnt already get to. There is like 3 random red doors you cant seem to activate, and you cant pull rocks through those red beams to put anything on top of that pad on the very bottom of your screen (by the treasure) I speculated that needs to be activated to maybe open that middle door and a portal is under it? But you cant seem to activate it |
oh, i thought you meant the main dungeon
the side dungeon is beatable, ive done it |
hmm perhaps i gotta scour every centimeter for a hidden switch, cant see wha else it would be
9. fixed
10. same as 9
11. fixed
12. difficult to reproduce
13. same as 9
14. fixed
15. fixed(maybe)
16. i couldn't find how this happens, and in most cases cooldowns have worked for me
17. fixed
18. fixed(btw archers had no effectiveness loss from idols, the descriptions were just switched by accident)
19. fixed(maybe)
20. requires some form of pathfinding to fix, not doing atm
21. idk if its already in or not
we didn't have time to test because i released it late sunday night. i normally do a complete playthrough of the game before every new version, but lately i haven't had the time.