I'm still not convinced its the right phone for me, but I did manage to sort out the data network issue I was worried about (thanks to DarkCampainger's link).
I've got it running exclusively on WiFi without interrupting my phone service. I just need something to do with it. Anyone know any good apps and tricks?

Now I've just got to figure out how to get a copy of the SDK for Windows...
I just need something to do with it. Anyone know any good apps and tricks?

Jailbreaking it so you could get Cydia would be most peoples first steps.

Now I've just got to figure out how to get a copy of the SDK for Windows...

If you need an idea for something useful to make, how about a Chatters iphone client?
Iphones are great.

Off Topic: Your css is great. ;D
Well, if you jailbreak, there's a lot of good apps. My personal favorites are Winterboard (allows for theming your device), SBsettings (allows you to change settings like screen brightness, etc. on the fly), Call spoofer (I don't think this is the name, but it let's you change your caller ID, record calls, etc.), Safari Download Manager (Costs 2$, but allows you to download files. I'm going to get it when I add money to my Paypal), and, if you do decide to use an unlimited data plan, Volpun3G would be good (that's not the real name, but I'm close).

Also, there is no SDK for Windows. I looked into that a lot, and your only possible option would be to run Hackintosh. However, this breaks Apples EULA and I also heard the SDK doesn't work well on Hackintosh. I just broke down and got a Mac Mini with all my spare money.

By the way, Crashed, there's some sort of Python-Objective C linking library on Cydia. Maybe you could make the Chatters iPhone client? You might be able to find more info on it at EDIT: Here
By the way, Crashed, there's some sort of Python-Objective C linking library on Cydia. Maybe you could make the Chatters iPhone client? You might be able to find more info on it at

Already worked on that. Had a small demo of nothingness for iChatters. I do not like obj-c one bit :p
Crashed wrote:
I do not like obj-c one bit :p

Neither do I, the few snippets I've looked at have a funky syntax. I just plan on using C++ as much as possible >_>. Either way, maybe iChatters could become some sort of community project, after I make some stupid app that gets my money back (something stupid like that Mirror app, but with ads).
If you made iChatters and put it up on Cydia (as long as it connected to the real chatters server) I'd donate and use it :)
In Cydia (look at vlc4iphone) theres an option to setup a donation system.
Also, there's paid apps, but I feel in general people that jailbreak their iphones wouldn't want to pay for the apps anyway, you'd probably get more through donations.
Flame Sage wrote:
In Cydia (look at vlc4iphone) theres an option to setup a donation system.
Also, there's paid apps, but I feel in general people that jailbreak their iphones wouldn't want to pay for the apps anyway, you'd probably get more through donations.

That's a very stereotypical view. I read that one developer whose app is in the Cydia store made over $10,000 in a week. Also, someone that made a nice iPhone theme called Naked iPhone has made about 3,000+ sales (and that's on only a theme!).
Quick question. Did they get rid of the 'use as hard-drive' feature completely? Or is it just hidden away somewhere real deep? 32GB is a bit too small to use as a transfer device but I've got to bring home some forms and its not really worth burning a CD.
DarkView wrote:
Quick question. Did they get rid of the 'use as hard-drive' feature completely? Or is it just hidden away somewhere real deep? 32GB is a bit too small to use as a transfer device but I've got to bring home some forms and its not really worth burning a CD.

If that was a feature, it was gone by 2.0. There are still some apps, like "Flash Drive" that let you transfer files over LAN, and there might be a 3.0 based app for moving files with a USB cable, as well.
DarkView wrote:
Quick question. Did they get rid of the 'use as hard-drive' feature completely? Or is it just hidden away somewhere real deep?

Unfortunately, it doesn't work like an iPod where it just mounts as an external drive by default.

That said, there are a few applications that allow you to enable this functionality over a wireless LAN connection.

Damn. Its one of the reasons I loved my 80GB iPod so much. I didn't have to worry about forgetting it because I'd never leave work without my iPod. This LAN based solution sounds like a pain in the butt, I'll probably just grab a keyring stick instead.
DarkView wrote:
This LAN based solution sounds like a pain in the butt, I'll probably just grab a keyring stick instead.

Yup, that's the route I went too!
Chris-g1 wrote:
Zenonia is a good game.

Meh. I tried this game out due to all of the hype, and it turns out that that is all that it was - hype.

There are about 15 cutscenes before you even get into the game itself. All of them feature "English as a second language" grammar, and the plot/characters are embarrassing. Once you finally start playing, the clunky controls take way too much getting used to. If there is a good game hidden beneath all of that, it certainly wasn't worth it to me to find out.

Try the Lite version before you buy.
My brother bought an iPhone. Cost him an arm and a leg to get it, but he is very much in love with it.

I think it's pretty nifty, but I haven't had any extended interaction with one, so when I finally have enough money to buy a newer phone, I'm not entirely sure if I want one or not. It'll no doubt be a toss up between the three major phones in that category. I've heard some good things about the Google Phone, but I know nothing about it. And I think Microsoft has a phone out there which rivals the iPhone (Zune?) but I don't know anything about it either.

The SciFi channel keeps advertising the Nokia n96. If they keep showing that cute chick, I might end up buying it.

But given the extreme lack of funds, it's not something I've given much thought to. But I'm fairly sure my Nokia something-or-other is going to die soon. Seeing as it shuts down sometimes when you turn it on...
I'm not entirely sure if I want one or not.

The phone parts are pretty weak and the iPod stinks (compared to actual iPods). If you enjoy any particular iPod function make sure to verify that the software iPod on the iPhone actually has it. I can't even play music off it through my 360 anymore. It seems for security reasons you're not allowed to access (directly) any files on it other than jpegs in the photos directly.

The only thing I'm really liking is that the OS is designed from the ground up. Its not trying to mimic laptops/desktops so things are layed out in a way that makes more sense for a little screen/touch screen.

I can't say whether or not its better than the rest, its definitely not as good as I was expecting. I'd probably go with a full iPod and a basic phone given the choice.

Well I'm here again on behalf of the Duel Monsters Online community. Server has been down for a few weeks, and no word. Could you tell kajika about this problem? I don't think he is aware.