
by Jittai
A survival game that takes place in an archipelago with other people in the struggle to live.
Keywords: fixes, updates
Upcoming and all future updates and fixes will be listed here.

- Fixed Springs not allowing you to drink
- Fixed (hopefully) the loophole that was causing saves to be read as "tampered".

- BUG: The day/night and light system seem to not be working.

- Fixed mining to properly handle itself. (You can mine large stones from boulders and shoals.)
- Disabled the Day/Light System until I can pin down what exactly is going wrong.
- Improved the rates to find vines. (You can now finds vines on palm trees as well but at much less rate.)

- Fixed the Server-Status from not showing the correct map size.
- Fixed Islands on the generator not being counted and always set to 1.
- Increased the max-land-size.
- Fixed an issue with player saving.
- BUG: Seems some people can log in but not see their characters.
- Stranded Now Supports settings for those of you who use Linux/VMs and such to host. The settings file in included with the download and is by default off.

Used Library:

To turn it on change the "false" to "true" and any other settings.

While on "true" the map will auto-generate instead of waiting for you to.
- Fixed the Lightsystem
- Made days 30 minutes from 15. (15 min. -> 30 min.)
- Optimized a lot of the code with new techniques and things I have learned. (note to self don't neglect a project for a long time...)
-- This should have fixed the weird glitch of clothes being invisible on your equipment screen.
-- This should have fixed the failing load save for players.

- Fixed an issue with the combining system being VERY finicky due to a major oversight I never saw back then but know now involving grids and their updates.

- Fixed Maps not loading properly due to a lighting issue while forming the map.

- Fixed NPCs's AI breaking down.
- Overhauled a lot of the GUI.
-- less clutter and boxes around the main window.

- redid the inventory system to work based off "slots" limiting players to what they can "actually" carry.

- Finally pinpointed the issue with AI being really weird
-- (Like only a few of them working and the rest doing nothing).

- Optimized the crap out of the world generation, as well as various other codes that were very old.

- Disabled the ini-file reader and settings support due to issues - will work in later.

Release-Day Fixes:
- Disabled resizing (was left on for debug purposes).
- Fixed issues with full-screen being white and offsetting the chat.
- Various in-dev things that needed to be tweaked out.

Thanks to Magnum2k for assistance!
- Finally pinpointed the delayed-movement issue that was causing cpu spikes during game (thanks to magnum2k again)
- Re-added the light system
- Reverted the inventory system from slot-based to the general-inventory like before.
- Readded the "combine" box to the interface.
- Added stat bars that were missing.

- Fixed not being able to change skin tone.