I lag all night,
I lag all day,
I make it hard for others to play.
I stumble about,
jerking to and fro
saying "how u play"
I'm a lagger
on dial up
a 56ker.
some call me a n00b,
others a DBZer-
but in all honesty,
bandwidth is only modem-deep.
I'm a nice guy, just like you
please let me play.

I wrote this poem because I was inspired by some poor soul who said to me on Gunz today:
"why is it that every server i go on i lag?"
This poem is for every lagging, AOL using, cheap 56ker.
Pretty good for me, I think!
Sleep well.
XD hell ramen is my friend
Hell Ramen is my friend more, bitch! >:|
Heh, nice poem, Elation.
That's deep Elation.
*holds back tears* So inspiring!

*nods solemnly at the deepness of such an inspiring poem*