Keywords: misc

Poll: Which Genre of Video Game would you prefer to play on your spare time?

Action 10% (5)
Action-Adventure 30% (14)
Adventure 2% (1)
Adventure-Puzzle 2% (1)
Puzzle 0% (0)
Management Simulation 2% (1)
Life Simulation 0% (0)
Vehicle Simulation 2% (1)
Strategy 13% (6)
Role-playing 28% (13)
Sports 2% (1)
Music 4% (2)
Party Games 2% (1)

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I'm well on my way to expand my marketable skills and branch out into actual game design. To do this, I would need to learn how to research trends, make successful ideas that would sell, and compile game designs.

BYOND will be my personal pool to get my feet wet. Note, that I might actually be making games smaller games on BYOND as a sort of field exercises.

All comments are welcome, I would love to hear about some of your favorite games in the past, favorite BYOND games, or Other game. Comment also if you're willing to help me out on any future projects here on BYOND.

Thanks All
Action-Adventure is much preferred by me. It tests your skill and ability also most A-A games you'll be able to roam free and battle which gives it a top hit on the list.
Flav_Flamez34 wrote:
Action-Adventure is much preferred by me. It tests your skill and ability also most A-A games you'll be able to roam free and battle which gives it a top hit on the list.

All of the more populated games on BYOND are action-adventure. So that makes sense.

My personal favorite are management Sims.
Strategy for me. Multiplayer mostly. Games where you don't notice how good or bad your opponent's moves were until several turns after. Games that have huge learning curves and the only long term commitment needed is to become more skilled.
Aixelsyd wrote:
Strategy for me. Multiplayer mostly. Games where you don't notice how good or bad your opponent's moves were until several turns after. Games that have huge learning curves and the only long term commitment needed is to become more skilled.

Sort of like chess? Makes perfect sense.

Games like Contra and Metal Slug are king. Vertical SHUMPs are also a good time killer.
AmonR wrote:
Games like Contra and Metal Slug are king. Vertical SHUMPs are also a good time killer.

Yeah, those arcade styled try again after you die games.
Tayoko wrote:
All of the more populated games on BYOND are action-adventure. So that makes sense.

what "populated games on BYOND" are action-adventure?

if you mean the typical DBZ/naruto game, that is not action-adventure. that is an RPG. just because it can very roughly be compared to an action game in some ways (ie not turn based) or an adventure game in some ways (ie you travel to a lot of locations) does not make it action-adventure.

action adventure games preclude "stats" from the game, relegating the completion of objectives to hand-eye coordination, reaction time, puzzle solving, and exploration-- no grinding, leveling, etc is ever involved.

in byond terms, proelium is an action game. teh blobz is an adventure game (which leans very heavily on the RPG side). combining the two into an action-adventure game would involve completely getting rid of the stats system, and instead have players travel through different locations by successfully using strategy (not stats) to defeat the enemy.

no pure and popular action-adventure games truly exist on byond, to my knowledge

I can see where you're coming from and thanks for sharing. But in all honesty,I can't seem to agree.

Grinding, and lack of immersive or challenging elements to a game is a product of poor design.

There are plenty of Action-Adventure games that borrow classical elements from the RPG but are still considered purely Action-Adventure.
i'm talking definitions here. if an action-adventure game borrows RPG elements, then it's not purely action-adventure. it's then an action-adventure game that borrows RPG elements.

i never even said anything about "lack of immersive or challenging elements", i don't know where that came from. i'm not saying RPGs can't involve puzzle solving or that action-adventure games can't have some stats-- i'm just explaining what those genres actually are in their pure forms, because actual action-adventure games are few and far between on byond
@Zaole - Games have so much content, that they rarely are "pure".

Anyways I clicked strategy, I like challenging myself, and I like to think, I wish I could be a strategist when I grow up D:
I might be willing to help.
being a social gamer, mmos and party games are my first loves, as well as certain strategy games. games like guitar hero are absolute genius because they take an instrument and instant gratification and put it together to make a game. i rarely ever play it by myself, but when my friends are over we will all play rock band 2 together(i have so much fun getting into it i usually fuck up my voice from singing.) pvp/pve mmos would be my favorite though, there is nothing more thrilling in a game than a good fight with another person. or more than one person, or groups of people. strictly pve mmos are the most boring shit games there are.
Does Vehicle Simulation include tanks, planes, and helicopters, or space stations?
Probably counts as Action-Adventure.

Starcraft and AoE are tops
You guys are going to make fun of me, but the King's Quest series are easily some of my favorite games of all time... second only to Legend of Zelda.

I chose Adventure-Puzzle, I think it best suits those two games. Although LoZ could arguably be considered an Action-Adventure, but it does involve many puzzle elements... Oh well, my vote is cast. :P
RPG's are always the best games to play for me.
I like strategy as well but not as much.

I bet you don't know who I am =p