TEZ sounds retarded >,<. 69 isn't it "gay" as you use it, to call another man ugly. Judging the same sex now? And you suck at what you call "Dissing people" Let me go get my 11 year old sister to teach you how to "Diss."
Hey Tib i got a question how old really are you??? Be serious i pwomise i wont diss you if you answer.
I bet your dumbass doesn't have 100 dollars, and you beat me up? Hah you've got a better chance of joining the KKK.
Heh I bet you money i do, do you even play any sports ? I dint think so and how old is your gay ass?
15 and I play football and basketball. Quarterback and Pointguard thanks. Oh amazing, thanks for deleting your comment. Now sound about this | | less retarded.
holy shit. An official group of spammers. How fucking immature can you get. I spammed a little when I first joined byond, but I stopped after I realized what a moron I was being. look TEZ members 1,5, and 69, how about you all go do something productive besides
'I LEARNZ H@X SO I CAN SPAM A GAME THAT NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE PLAY AT A TIME, W00T W00T W00T I CAN FUCK YOU NIGGAS UP DA ASS LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ" Now take that statement and make the spelling 10 times more atrocious. |
Mr bad guy the only thing youd have to do to make it more atrocious is put your name in it, Not replying are you Lord? thats what i thought so sit down bitch.
src<<"BOOM!" Problem solved. |
insulting my name are we? Man, you're IQ seemed around 65 before, but now i'd push it down to 60 or so. Unless of course you're 8 or 9 and don't know anything. TEH OFFICIAL ZPAMMERS. Really fucking original dumbfuck
You know what? You Tez members need to join my server of IU right now just so I can have the glory of banning each and every one of you. If you don't, it just shows you're scared of entering IU. Take this as a challenge. See how long you last. Until then, stop trying to anger Lee. It won't work.
An official spam group? Man. Is key creation on this scale even allowed? It deserves a look into by the BYOND staff, I think.
Right, because cool people like you spend all their time spamming games and making fun of uncool people, correct? I don't think so. You sir, are the one who needs to get a life, if that's what you do for fun.
"Ok once again we've never gone ''I LEARNZ H@X SO I CAN SPAM A GAME THAT NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE PLAY AT A TIME, W00T W00T W00T I CAN FUCK YOU NIGGAS UP DA ASS LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ" or any of that shit, so you must be a little retarded or sorta blind, idk. Byond got boring so i decided to have some fun and spam. and yea im pretty young, proving I'm not a a fucking loser whos like 18 who plays all the time. unlike some people I've seen."
69 was doing that pretty much. Maybe you should pay attention. If byond got boring, here's a suggestion, are you ready GET A LIFE OR A GIRLFRIEND or if you're really young like you claim to be, go play with your toys or something. Leave other people who are trying to have fun without being rude alone. |
"TEZ member -1-:
Ok once again we've never gone ''I LEARNZ H@X SO I CAN SPAM A GAME THAT NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE PLAY AT A TIME, W00T W00T W00T I CAN FUCK YOU NIGGAS UP DA ASS LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ" or any of that shit, so you must be a little retarded or sorta blind, idk" "TEZ member -5-: N e ways i have a shitload of keys, were learnin to hack, and not like your walways gonna be on. So have fun" I guess you're blind. |
Yeah elation, this is great. They're pouring out everything here. Just post this thread to a byond admin.
So you're 8 and a half years old? Wow, everything aligns so well now.