*spam guild leader*(Daniel_Mc) has logged in.
*spam guild leader* shouts: any 1 wanna join my guild
*spam guild leader* shouts: any 1 wanna join my guild
*spam guild leader*(Daniel_Mc) has logged out.
Seriously, how pathetic can someone get?
Lets not get started on the -TEZ- Members either...
(TEZ = The Elite Zpammerz)
Jan 21 2006, 3:53 am
Haha, the moron. I see such things daily though. but everytime, it's even dumber wich causes me to laugh :)
I remmeber that guild he wanted me to join it x.x that was just pathetic hre was doin the same thing in another server x.x adn ya the TEZ have now gone to CC to torture them for a bit check their forums and see for yourself
TEZ started off bugging Icon Ultima. But I think enough bans seemed to pretty much get rid of them. Now they're bugging Chao Chatterz I believe.
As for that Daniel_Mc dude. He's an Icon Chatterz player trying to look good to his buddies, I bet. Thats the fun thing about spammers, when you page them and inform them on how baddly they fail, they always add you to their pager friends list. So I can see where he is at all times. |
Then I'll love banning you on sight once more. It's not like it's hard to press the Ban key on your name, and then Delete All Owners Objects on your key aswell. it doesn't matter what order I do it.
And you did fail. Mobius and I took care of you easy enough on our own. Theres still 8 others who can ban you aswell. How about growing some balls and then trying eh? We lived through Vertex, like you're any threat. He was more of a pain then all of you are together. |
Hey Mista Tib, How about you suck my balls. Oh wait thats right your mouth is to small, 69 pounds is hard to swallow, so why dont you just stfu and follow, me as i walk down a fiery path, and i begin to burn your ugly fat ass. Thats right nigga you aint got SHIT on me, your so ugly i can barley see. Hah this nigga most love being dissed, and numbah 5's right you are soooo pissed. You just dont want to admit it cause your so sad, so while im dissing you stop fucking your dad, and pay more attention to the rap i spit, cuz while your listening i want you to know IM FUCKING YOUR BITCH!!!
Not to mention were getting more members daily....if only 45 could see this...he could learn what greatness is...
"omg i gonna hack j00 becuz I kool mate, omgomg I gonza hak j00. so j00 cin jus sux my balz becuz I r beter den j00 sux I sex j0r mothre up roflzzle"
Think you should rename yourselves to the n00bz. It would make more sense. The amount of keys you have makes no difference, we IP ban. And I don't have to be online. As I said, there are plenty others who are more then willing to ban you on sight. There is no way you can be more anoying then Vertex. So, keep trying to sound tough, you know how much I don't really care. I have no firewalls so go ahead, try to hack me. And maybe mature up a little. You might actually look less stupid. But then again, children always sook and cry when they lose. Think you guys can sook and cry elseware? |
*Clap Clap* That was a good attempt, but if your going to diss like that do it to a wall, because thats were it got you nowere. Tib you think were doing this for fun and laughs? No were just doing it because we love seeing nerds like you attempt to diss us, well thats why im doing it anyway. Btw i dont want to hack you, i want to hack your game because that game is your life. Enough said you have no chance of dissing me you ugly fuck face zebra whore.
-Sincerly Your Dad TEZ Member -69- |
"omg i hack teh gamej00 play and mak me GM so I kin ban j00 al! lozzle j00 no mtch fur me coz I am noobz zpammerz tet can't spell "spammers" lozzel j00 r su ugly Tib noob ugly fat ass gay homo whore wanker."
Yes, just keep going children. Just making yourselfs look even more stupid. |
7 associated keys
PyroFiliate (Male; last logged in 29/12/05) OmegaPrism (Male; last logged in 30/12/05) D-Capit-8 (Male; last logged in 30/12/05) TEZ Member -69- (Male; last logged in 07/01/06) Ne-Yo (Male; last logged in 07/01/06) TrickPoints (Male; last logged in 08/01/06) Pyr0maniac (Male; last logged in 13/01/06) 4 associated keys TEZ member -1- (Male; last logged in 14/01/06) ReDAHFinedMofo (Male; last logged in 15/01/06) OMGLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL (Male; last logged in 14/01/06) Hellish flames (Male; last logged in 14/01/06) 5 associated keys TEZ member -5- (Male; last logged in 07/01/06) Mr.Muffin (Male; last logged in 29/12/05) Hellish flames (Male; last logged in 30/12/05) Arabian BobSled (Male; last logged in 07/01/06) ReDAHFinedMofo (Male; last logged in 07/01/06) Go your massive amount of keys, infact, having that many keys is actually a BYOND banable offense I believe. |
Tez you did good...but you got one thing wrong, he is TRYING to diss us, that nigga cant touch dis even though his fat ass wants to, i would like my money back for playing your gay ass game tib, its 1400$ for the time i spent, and 900,000$ for how ugly your face is at the beggining of the site, and i remember talking to two of your gms, and they talked about relationships in real life, they also said they have hot steamy sex, i have good reason to belive that they are both you in two diffrent keys, also your UGLY man so dont even try dissing me like that, and when your dick reach's 8 inchs call me son cuz then ill let you wear one of my condoms to fuck a cat, even though there suppose to be used for fucking chicks, as i do i feel for your poor ass who has to stoop to being a nerd to get money. So have a nice night be sure to diss ya later :) buh buy
Wrong when i Said his dad i meant his real dad when i say dad im being sarcastic, i wouldnt be caught near that ugly thing. Besides when i said your it dosnt point to anything in specific Mopar i could be refering to you.
KamiKaziSamuri they are complete idiots. Who don't seem to understand the glory of static IP address. All the keys I posted only have one IP address to them. So it looks like they don't know eachother as well as I know them. rofl, this is just soooo funny. They think they're so "cool" and yet, I'm getting a very good laugh out of their stupidity. Which is the only reason I haven't banned them from my Blog. It's too priceless. I can't wait to laugh my ass off when I get back from work. |
Oh nooooo he called me an idiot *tear tear*. Hey Tib why dont you take your 25 year old dick and shove it into your cats pussy, Mr Neko likes useing cat icons, maybe you should have some gay cyber secks with him. Im sure your little cyber penis will fit into the "Pussy" Just fine ^^ and were do you work at a fish market? Cause your insults stink.