[i]-What are noobs?
[ii]-Differences between a noob and a newbie
[iii]-How to tell if the person is a noob
[iv]-Power Abusers
[v]-How to deal with: Noobs
[vi]-How to deal with: Power Abusers
[vii]-Fun Facts about noobs
Noobs, or n00bs as some people call, are basically people who don't follow rules, beg, spams, bullies and others. They get very annoying and normally try to avoid punishment(s) from GMs or Admins. They are stubborn and normally refuse to listen to others. Basically, they are a pain in the ass.
Noobs: They can be an old or new player. Purposely breaks rules and annoys others.
Newbies: New players who often need help. Usually quite nice.
Don't get noobs and newbies mixed up!
When the person purposely does one or more of these things, he/she is a noob.
- Breaks rules
- Annoys others
- Spams
- Refuses to listen to others
- Flames
- Insults
- Asks, begs or even hints for power
- Cussing
- Tries to escape punishment(s)
- Continously kill players (if there are attacks in the game)
Powers abusers are also counted as noobs. Powers abusers are people with GM or Admin powers that use their power for the wrong things. It's quite hard to stop them and normally requires to contact the Owner or Co-Owner of the game.
Just something on how to deal with noobs if you are both a normal player and a GM.
Normal Player: Tell them to stop. If they don't, report.
GM: Mute
Cussers (Swearing)
Normal Player: Tell them to stop. If they don't, report.
GM: Mute
Normal Player: Ignore them. Report if it gets too serious.
GM: If it gets too serious, mute.
Normal Player: Tell them off. XD
GM: Tell them off, mute if it gets too serious.
Power asksers, beggers and hinters
Normal Player: Report
GM: Mute. If they start asking again after the mute, ban.
Normal Player: Report
GM: Freeze/Jail
Normal Player: Ignore or tell them off. Report if it gets too serious.
GM: Tell them off, mute, jail or freeze depending on how the noob is annoying someone else.
Punishment escapers (or people who try to escape)
Normal Player: Report, though a GM is usually on when it happens.
GM: Tell them to stop and then tell them why they are being punished. If they don't stop, extend the punishment. If they STILL don't stop, ban.
Normal Player and GMs: Report to Owner, Co-Owner or who is able to strip the powers.
Owners, Co-Owners etc.: Strip powers, ban if needed.
- They are normally little kids around 6-12. Most probably rich, spoilt brats.
- They embarrass themselves and enjoy it. Weird!
- When they start swearing in an arguement, it means they do not know what to say to defend themselves. In other words: They give up!
- They are actually cowards.
- They have no common sense.
Well, that's about it.
As I said, tell me if there is anything you think I should change or add. ^^