Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Will Of Eternity

by Dbar910
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Will Of Eternity
HItman Reborn Game in Testing Stages and needs iconners, gfxers and maybe extra programmers
Hottodef wrote:
I want the game up ill even host it if u want i got 24/7 shell server lagless lifetime

this from the person who booted/ banned me. he said ban but it looked more like a boot i was to lazy to come back and see
Dbar910 wrote:
Hottodef wrote:
I want the game up ill even host it if u want i got 24/7 shell server lagless lifetime

this from the person who booted/ banned me. he said ban but it looked more like a boot i was to lazy to come back and see

Dude i had no choice i unban u at once though.i didnt say ban i just became gm on there they cept saying ban ban ban

Com'on Hotto u can finish teh game! ^o^b
TheFMan123 wrote:
Com'on Hotto u can finish teh game! ^o^b

if it was his to finish >.>
did u abandon this game D-bar?
Wish this game woulda been finished -__
Well it's not, i have no help so i'm not gonna finish but i do have the source still......for now
I'd help, but im not a pro xD so oh well.
Can do you send me the files?

my email/msn: guilherme_g85@hotmail.com
this game will be good batter then the KHR before
Dbar its me your old iconner add this key
hey is this game a finished and hosted KHR game? i really hope it is cause there are no up going ones atm
Host please
ill host give me host files
give me the files if wanted my router is fast no lag
and will open until 24/7
Any chance of it getting on ?
this is unfinished. if i actually had a serious team to help me finish then i wouldn't mind putting up the files for download
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