I've milked every last second out of my graphics card, and am lucky to be able to be on right now.

If you end up not seeing me on for a while, it'll be because my graphics card finally kicked the bucket.

I'm going to try to keep my computer on 24/7 with a memory program running. Hopefully it will work. On startup is when it gets screwy.

Now, to try to get it to support High Color mode...
Why not just buy another one? They aren't really expensive. I just but a decent one for a buck fifty a few weeks ago.
Kunark == poor
Kunark == Dirt Poor? A Buck Fifty usually == Pocket Change all the way from Lower-Middle Class all the way to "Just above the Poverty line".. :/
There isn't any "dirt poor" cards around here. If there was, I'd get it. Otherwise it'll be about 50 dollars or more.
yo veo...
You got an AGP slot? I'll send you a video card, but I am going to count it twards the DD project payments. It cost me $85.00 when I got it 6 months ago.

I am not using it, so don't be shy. If you got an AGP slot tell me, e-mail me your address and I'll send it out sometime next week.
Actually, my parents amazingly had an old card. I didn't think they would but I forgot that they play games heavy on the graphics card.

Working fine now. Nice to be able to start my computer up in LESS than 30 minutes :P

I was forced to change it because I couldn't start it up again. When I posted that last message it took me about 8 hours to start it up :P I slept with it on, and in the morning it was half way fixed and then took about another hour to startup.
Alright, try to be nice and they stab you in the eye with a letter opener.

Good to hear your PC is back in the works though.
Your parents play games? =(