Kuraudo brought up how annoying data entry is in a forum post( which is quite silly especially for fan material since all the data is already out there and it's a lot faster to simply write a tool to convert the data available into the format you need. Not exactly what he was whining about but gave me some interest in fiddling with making another tool for converting an image of a game map into a BYOND map and to chop up a tileset from it as well.

Took me 4-5 hours of programming work but I finished my tool and tested with the FF1 maps at . And generated .

All that's left to do is some code clean up and to set up a UI for it. At the moment it's just hard coded calls the the programs functionality.

Feel free to use the demo project for whatever, but remember that the map data itself and graphics are property of Square so if you face any legal problems with it it'll be Square after you not me. People that write fan games don't seem to be too concerned with that so have fun with it :P!
I wrote a program a while ago that made a tileset out of a ripped map. It was quite picky though. Had to make 100% sure that the map you were ripping from was divided up exactly into 32x32 tiles or else it'd totally screw up the tileset. =P

This is cool, though. ;)