My Site in firefox:

My Site in IE:

Theres like a problem with my images they're darker and really messed up, its not my monitor because this only happens in firefox and not in IE...Anyone care to help me or know a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance.
Solution: get Congress to pass a bill banning IE in the US.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Solution: get Congress to pass a bill banning IE in the US.

Yeah but in this cause IE is making my BYOND Member site look like the way its supposed to be (image wise). In firefox my fade images and background look purple and really dark (I haven't changed the images).
Soldierman wrote:
What version of IE are you using? Your site looks good in IE 8 and IE 7 for me.

Looks good in IE, but not in firefox, the picture tooken in IE is what the site is supposed to look like and in firefox it has a darker image for no reason.
Looks right in my version of Firefox, 3.0.8.
DarkCampainger wrote:
Looks right in my version of Firefox, 3.0.8.

I just bothered to look at the problem now, it looks normal for me, too (I'm using FF 3.5).
Jeff8500 wrote:
DarkCampainger wrote:
Looks right in my version of Firefox, 3.0.8.

I just bothered to look at the problem now, it looks normal for me, too (I'm using FF 3.5).

So am I but mine updated today, no clue whats going on but when looking at those two images in IE you can see the difference...
Looks normal for me. I'm using 3.5
Yash 69 wrote:

I've tried everything I could to resolve this problem, however nothing is helping. Any advice?
I'm using Firefox 3.5.1 and it looks like your IE screenshot.

It might have something to do with that god-awful race car theme.
SuperAntx wrote:
I'm using Firefox 3.5.1 and it looks like your IE screenshot.

It might have something to do with that god-awful race car theme.

Lol I set it to default and its still the same, frankly this is pissing me off everything is darker than its supposed to be.
See if this helps.
Didn't help.
Maybe it's a plugin/addon effeting it.
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Maybe it's a plugin/addon effeting it.

You might be right, i'll try uninstalling it and see if anything happens...
Maybe it's the ass of Jessica Biel in your search?
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Maybe it's the ass of Jessica Biel in your search?

Lmao its not and this color darkness is pissing me off, i'm just gonna delete firefox all together and use chrome
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