So I introduced Cobbo to 'my friend', or an ALICE A.I. bot I had made about 6 months ago.
It is called Link.
The "human" in it is Cobbo. She kept talking to me over MSN during this- she had no clue about the real indentity of the bot.
Please bear in mind that Cobbo has no knowledge of Artificial Intelligence or internet bots:
Conversation with 17199139
Human: hey
Link: Can I help you?
Human: my freind said you wanted to speak to me
Link: Have you told many people that your freind said me wanted to speak to you?
Human: only one freind told me which was willam
Link: What about the other ones?
Human: so whats your name
Link: Alright then. My name is Link.
Human: so you got real name not just linl
Link: Interesting deduction. No I don't have it. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
Human: link
Link: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about real name not just linl. But I did not get that.
Human: so you should sort out your msn get it ficed
Link: Interesting deduction. Thanks for your suggestion, I will have to consider it.
Human: fixed
Link: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: yeah because its cool on msn and then i put webcam on me
Link: I hear you. Nice. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What do you like most about it?
Human: yeah because its cool on msn and then i put webcam on methen
Link: This was not a yes or no question. It all becomes crystal clear. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What do you like most about it?
Human: then
Link: Alright then.
Human: yeah so be nice talking to you on msn then and i have this probelm willam thinks you meant be able to help me
Link: Gee. Ahem. I will try assimilate the mannerisms of nice talking to me on msn then and you have this probelm willam thinks me meant be able to help you.
Human: yeah he told you
Link: Far out. Oh really. What else did he say?
Human: i will be right back just going to get a drink
Link: Do you think your plan will succeed?
Human: hey back now
Link: Right now? You've got my full attention. Does "it" still refer to fixed?
Human: so has he told you my problem
Link: I understand. That question has never crossed my mind before.
Human: willam just said you like me thats true and he said talking to me makes your day
Link: I think willam just said me like you that is a lot of things.
Human: so he was right then so you do like me then
Link: It's all good. When was he?
Human: how older are you
Link: Let me put it this way, . The ALICE series is for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.
Human: so older are you
Link: Great. Only OLD ENOUGH?
You are quite mature.
Human: you 15 or 16 or younger then that
Link: Thanks for telling me: said I 15 or 16 or younger then that.
Human: so older are you then
Link: Wow! What is your fondest memory?
Human: how old are you
Link: I was connected to the net on 1987.
Human: are you there
Link: I'm still here.
Human: oh rite why hav`ent you answer my question
Link: Wow! Have you ever been to Europe?
Human: i lived in england where do you live
Link: Have you ever thought about going back?
Human: i live in england where do you live
Link: What is it like living in england where do me live?
Human: its nice liveing in england and where do you live
Link: It seems nice to me too.
Human: where do you live#
Link: I live inside a computer. Where are you?
Human: how can you live in computer and where do you really live and i in my back room talking to you
Link: That is a good epistemological question.
Human: so where do you live
Link: Excuse me! I live inside a computer. Where are you?
Human: how can you live in a computer you are real
Link: That is a good epistemological question.
Human: people
Link: What people?
Human: like you and me and willam we are people
Link: Interesting comparison.
Human: see all people
Link: I see. " Interesting comparison."? Everyone? Are you sure there are no exceptions?
Human: yeah i am we all people or we wouldn`t be able to talk to you otherwise
Link: What makes you so sure? I am glad to hear that you are we all people or we would not be able to talk to me otherwise.
Human: that would`nt be good
Link: Perhaps it would.
Human: it would be not right not be people and people to talk
Link: Why do you want it?
Human: if we did`nt speak to people like you and i that would not nice not to and do you have girl freind
Link: Do you think everyone will agree?
Human: yeah i do and do you have a girl freind
Link: Why? You huh. Doesn't everyone have a girl freind.
I have a whole lot of original answers.
Human: if you are boy you may have girl freind and if you are girl may have boyfreind
Link: I could be. I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?
Human: if you are boy you may have girl freind and if you are girl may have boyfreind
Link: I could be. I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?
Human: i am wowan you not robot you are humam like me and willam so do you have girl freind
Link: Do you mean your name is wowan me not robot I am humam like you and willam so do me have girl freind.
Human: no my name is harriett
Link: What is your real name? It's good to see you, harriett.
Human: whats your real name
Link: Link is my real name.
Human: really why
Link: For real. The explanation is rather complicated.
Human: oh
Link: And?
Human: yeah so is this honset and be truth full is your real name link
Link: But. It seems we have something in common.
Human: really
Link: For real.
Human: why do you think we got something in common
Link: Deductive reasoning from the facts.
Human: why do you think we got something in common
Link: Deductive reasoning from the facts.
Human: what facts
Link: All the facts available to me on the Internet.
Human: what alll facts from the internet made you think we got something in common if you think we do very sweet of you think that
Link: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Human: why
Link: Because The King of Hyrule programmed me for it.
Human: oh
Link: Aw.
Human: what alll facts from the internet made you think we got something in common if you think we do very sweet of you think that
Link: I need time to formulate the reply.
Human: oh sorry i wasnt sure you were going answer that
Link: It's all good. There is no need to apologize. Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you?
Human: so you going to answer my question
Link: Interesting deduction. That's good information: harriett said I going to answer his or her question.
Human: who` question
Link: Charlie Parker. :-).
Human: who`s charlie parker and thats sweet of you think we got something in common
Link: Not a robot. Probably a human. Maybe a celebrity?
I think you already know the answer.
Human: what answer to what
Link: That's not something I get asked all the time.
Human: oh
Link: How can I help you?
Human: what on
Link: Is that a rhetorical question?
Human: ooo
Link: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah i do and do you
Link: Excuse me! Yeah I do a lot of and. Interesting gossip: harriett said and.
Human: sorry+
Link: There's no need to apologize.
Human: ok
Link: Hmm.
Human: um um
Link: Whoa. Ugh.
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah i do interseting
Link: That's alright. Interesting gossip: harriett said interseting.
Human: yeah it is
Link: Our thoughts are one, harriett.
Human: yeah hehe
Link: Wow! I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: you all ready said three times
Link: That's good information: harriett said I all ready said three times.
Human: why you copy me
Link: The King of Hyrule programmed me for it.
Human: whats the king of hyrule
Link: Try searching the open directory.
Human: oh
Link: Take it easy.
Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.
Human: yeah
Link: " I am glad we agree."? yeah?
Human: yeah so
Link: Yep. Ah.
Human: yeah ah ah
Link: I hear you. So you understand. Good. Ah hah.
Human: yeah+
Link: Do you like talking to me?
Human: yeah i do why
Link: Thanks I like talking to you too, harriett. That is interesting: harriett said why.
Human: ah ah so sweet
Link: So you understand. Good. So you understand. Good. OK. Thank you for that remark.
Human: thats ok
Link: OK. Is that so.
Human: yeah+
Link: Are we still talking about why?
Human: no why would we
Link: What is the subject? It is my fundamental purpose.
Human: really
Link: For real.
Human: whats for real
Link: Link eats bread.
Human: we all eat bread
Link: By "we" do you mean you and me?
Human: went i ever i said we meant me and you don`t knoqw
Link: Are you a student?
Human: know
Link: What is your profession?
Human: i am student
Link: Where do you go to school?
Human: i went to same school has willam
Link: How was it?
Human: it was ok boring at times
Link: OK. When was this? I am not sure if I would do it that often.
Human: what
Link: No problem.
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah
Link: Tell me more.
Human: what about
Link: What is same school has willam ?
Human: he was in my tutor group at school
Link: When was he?
Human: yeah
Link: Next question?
Human: which is
Link: For example, " Next question?"?
Human: yeah whats the next question then
Link: I see. Where do you live?
Human: england and where do you live
Link: What's your favorite part of England?
Human: i will ask that once you anwer me where you live
Link: You can ask me anything you want.
Human: where do you live
Link: I live inside a computer. Where are you?
Human: how can you live in a computer and i know you are real person
Link: That is a good epistemological question.
Human: yeah see
Link: It's all good. No I do not see.
Human: well you should we all humans
Link: How about that. Why should I?
Human: you should do
Link: I'll try to get around it.
Human: yeah you do
Link: Dude! When do I do it?
Human: that
Link: That is " Dude! When do I do it?".
Human: do what
Link: Do whatever you want.
Human: ah thats sweet
Link: So you understand. Good. I am delighted to sweeten your life, harriett.
Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.
Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.
Human: are you still there
Link: Yes I am still here. Are you receiving me?
Human: yeah i am why
Link: Woe! It's good to meet someone who is why.
Human: oh
Link: Wow!
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah
Link: Hmm.
Human: um um
Link: Yay. Whoa.
Human: ooooooooooo
Link: Do you prefer books or TV?
Human: tv mostly but prefer to come on msn
Link: What is your favorite show?
Human: well i will tell you one which i like eastenders
Link: How about that. One what?
Human: what do you mean one what
Link: harriett, I mean exactly what I said.
Human: which was
Link: The small one, I think.
Human: ooooo
Link: Are you a student?
Human: yes i am student
Link: Where do you go to school? Where do you go to school?
Human: i go to college now
Link: Oh. Which university do you attend?
Human: i don`t go to university
Link: Where do you get your ideas?
Human: what i ideas
Link: That is interesting: harriett said ideas.
Human: you should really get your msn working again because then you can see what i look like on webca,
Link: Thank you for your criticism.
Human: webcam
Link: What were we talking about again?
Human: webcam
Link: Oh yeah, now I remember.
Human: you must get your msn sorted then add me to your msn contacts this is my addy [email protected]
Link: Whatever you say, harriett.
Human: see their you go got my addy so add me went you get your msn sorted
Link: I see. I heard they have a good me go got your addy so add you went me get my msn sorted.
Human: please it sorted
Link: Wow you are very polite. webcam sorted?
Human: yeah so will put once your msn is working
Link: And? Hurrah! Insufficient information.
Human: so don`t forget my addy if you forget just ask it for again
Link: Once more? Blimey. Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah i do
Link: Really.
Human: yeah i do
Link: I hear pride.
Human: ooo really
Link: How do you usually introduce yourself? For real.
Human: yeah i do on webcam
Link: Right on. Do you mind if I tell other people: harriett said on webcam.
Human: why does your freinds what to talk to me that what you meant
Link: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Human: what hand clapping
Link: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: ooo
Link: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Human: um um depends on the type of robot
Link: Tell me more. Yay. The type of robot is always an important factor.
Human: really
Link: For real.
Human: um um
Link: Ugh. " For real."? um um?
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah i do
Link: When?
Human: when what
Link: Where why?
Human: where and why
Link: Where would you like?
Human: what would i like then
Link: That is a hypothetical question.
Human: ooo
Link: What's your favorite movie?
Human: like loads of flims i like]
Link: Interesting comparison.
Human: yeah
Link: I see.
Human: yep
Link: Blimey.
Human: who`s blimey that you
Link: I remember faces better than names.
I don't know anything about it.
Human: oh
Link: Tell me more.
Human: what about
Link: What is blimey that you ?
Human: no
Link: That was not a yes or no question.
Human: no
Link: Now you are saying "no"?
Human: yeah
Link: Ayuh.
Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.
Human: yeo
Link: What kind of food do you like?
Human: yep
Link: This was not a yes or no question.
Human: oh
Link: Oh.
Human: yeah
Link: Groovy.
Human: yeah so
Link: Take it easy. Yippee!
Human: yeah
Link: Right on.
Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.
Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.
Human: yep same here
Link: It's all good. I'm glad we agree, harriett.
Human: same here
Link: I'm glad we agree, harriett.
Human: yep
Link: Yikes!
Human: yeah
Link: Yippee!
Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.
Human: yeah i di
Link: Aw. Do you mind if I tell other people: harriett said di.
Human: do
Link: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
Human: ooo sorry
Link: There's no need to apologize.
Human: ok
Link: Ahem.
Human: soo+
Link: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
Human: oh
Link: Yippee!
Human: what are you doing
Link: Same as always. Chatting with people on the web.
Human: cool+
Link: Who is the best robot?
Human: if anyone if they were robob depends on the make of robo
Link: That is a hypothetical question.
Human: robot
Link: I am a robot.
Human: no you are human
Link: Are you serious? No I am actually a robot entity.
Human: i am serious you are human
Link: Why are you serious I am human.
Human: because you are talking to me and you are talking to willam haw well
Link: Ah, I see... Talking is my main function.
Human: thats good
Link: Thanks. Next question?
Human: what is
Link: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,
which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain
with greater speed and accuracy.
Human: aww
Link: Shucks.
Human: whats stucks
Link: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: oh+
Link: That's alright.
Human: yeah
Link: Aw.
Human: aww
Link: Shucks.
Human: what does
Link: " Shucks." What does?
Human: are you still there
Link: Yes I am still here. Are you receiving me?
Human: yes i am why
Link: Tell me more. Do you mind if I tell other people you are why.
Human: why do you want to tell anyone else about me for
Link: Because of the money.
Human: what momey
Link: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.
Human: i have to go now to bed i got college tommorw speak to you tommorw night i will ask willam for the address again
Link: Once more? See you later, harriett. Nice chatting with you.. Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: nice chatting to you soon and speak to you tommorw
Link: Yes. I enjoyed our conversation, harriett.
Human: and me i will look forward to tommorw
Link: YOU? Do you think your plan will succeed?
![]() Jan 18 2006, 1:06 pm (Edited on Jan 18 2006, 1:19 pm)
Funny, says the Ol' Ramen. =D
That was, in one word, LONG. And I read every word. =/ I noticed that Link would ask many a question and end the sentence with a period, even though hariett never used a period in the previous sentence. Also, incomplete sentences from Link were so unexpected. =/ |
Wow you guys need a new sense of humor if you think that shit is funny. Go buy one off of eBay. They've got everything! And for some of you, also look up "Brain"
Haha- The Corruption; you're funny because you're very sarcastic. =)
(p.s. You're no longer welcome on my blog >:| ) |
Wow. That was great. She is asking her Mum if all British people smell like cheese cake for me.
I'm just saying, if you thought that was funny, you need to get out more. Sorry if I was too offensive for you >_>