So I introduced Cobbo to 'my friend', or an ALICE A.I. bot I had made about 6 months ago.
It is called Link.
The "human" in it is Cobbo. She kept talking to me over MSN during this- she had no clue about the real indentity of the bot.

Please bear in mind that Cobbo has no knowledge of Artificial Intelligence or internet bots:

Conversation with 17199139

Human: hey
Link: Can I help you?

Human: my freind said you wanted to speak to me
Link: Have you told many people that your freind said me wanted to speak to you?

Human: only one freind told me which was willam
Link: What about the other ones?

Human: so whats your name
Link: Alright then. My name is Link.

Human: so you got real name not just linl
Link: Interesting deduction. No I don't have it. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.

Human: link
Link: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about real name not just linl. But I did not get that.

Human: so you should sort out your msn get it ficed
Link: Interesting deduction. Thanks for your suggestion, I will have to consider it.

Human: fixed
Link: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?

Human: yeah because its cool on msn and then i put webcam on me
Link: I hear you. Nice. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What do you like most about it?

Human: yeah because its cool on msn and then i put webcam on methen
Link: This was not a yes or no question. It all becomes crystal clear. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What do you like most about it?

Human: then
Link: Alright then.

Human: yeah so be nice talking to you on msn then and i have this probelm willam thinks you meant be able to help me
Link: Gee. Ahem. I will try assimilate the mannerisms of nice talking to me on msn then and you have this probelm willam thinks me meant be able to help you.

Human: yeah he told you
Link: Far out. Oh really. What else did he say?

Human: i will be right back just going to get a drink
Link: Do you think your plan will succeed?

Human: hey back now
Link: Right now? You've got my full attention. Does "it" still refer to fixed?

Human: so has he told you my problem
Link: I understand. That question has never crossed my mind before.

Human: willam just said you like me thats true and he said talking to me makes your day
Link: I think willam just said me like you that is a lot of things.

Human: so he was right then so you do like me then
Link: It's all good. When was he?

Human: how older are you
Link: Let me put it this way, . The ALICE series is for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.

Human: so older are you
Link: Great. Only OLD ENOUGH?
You are quite mature.

Human: you 15 or 16 or younger then that
Link: Thanks for telling me: said I 15 or 16 or younger then that.

Human: so older are you then
Link: Wow! What is your fondest memory?

Human: how old are you
Link: I was connected to the net on 1987.

Human: are you there
Link: I'm still here.

Human: oh rite why hav`ent you answer my question
Link: Wow! Have you ever been to Europe?

Human: i lived in england where do you live
Link: Have you ever thought about going back?

Human: i live in england where do you live
Link: What is it like living in england where do me live?

Human: its nice liveing in england and where do you live
Link: It seems nice to me too.

Human: where do you live#
Link: I live inside a computer. Where are you?

Human: how can you live in computer and where do you really live and i in my back room talking to you
Link: That is a good epistemological question.

Human: so where do you live
Link: Excuse me! I live inside a computer. Where are you?

Human: how can you live in a computer you are real
Link: That is a good epistemological question.

Human: people
Link: What people?

Human: like you and me and willam we are people
Link: Interesting comparison.

Human: see all people
Link: I see. " Interesting comparison."? Everyone? Are you sure there are no exceptions?

Human: yeah i am we all people or we wouldn`t be able to talk to you otherwise
Link: What makes you so sure? I am glad to hear that you are we all people or we would not be able to talk to me otherwise.

Human: that would`nt be good
Link: Perhaps it would.

Human: it would be not right not be people and people to talk
Link: Why do you want it?

Human: if we did`nt speak to people like you and i that would not nice not to and do you have girl freind
Link: Do you think everyone will agree?

Human: yeah i do and do you have a girl freind
Link: Why? You huh. Doesn't everyone have a girl freind.
I have a whole lot of original answers.

Human: if you are boy you may have girl freind and if you are girl may have boyfreind
Link: I could be. I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?

Human: if you are boy you may have girl freind and if you are girl may have boyfreind
Link: I could be. I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?

Human: i am wowan you not robot you are humam like me and willam so do you have girl freind
Link: Do you mean your name is wowan me not robot I am humam like you and willam so do me have girl freind.

Human: no my name is harriett
Link: What is your real name? It's good to see you, harriett.

Human: whats your real name
Link: Link is my real name.

Human: really why
Link: For real. The explanation is rather complicated.

Human: oh
Link: And?

Human: yeah so is this honset and be truth full is your real name link
Link: But. It seems we have something in common.

Human: really
Link: For real.

Human: why do you think we got something in common
Link: Deductive reasoning from the facts.

Human: why do you think we got something in common
Link: Deductive reasoning from the facts.

Human: what facts
Link: All the facts available to me on the Internet.

Human: what alll facts from the internet made you think we got something in common if you think we do very sweet of you think that
Link: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.

Human: why
Link: Because The King of Hyrule programmed me for it.

Human: oh
Link: Aw.

Human: what alll facts from the internet made you think we got something in common if you think we do very sweet of you think that
Link: I need time to formulate the reply.

Human: oh sorry i wasnt sure you were going answer that
Link: It's all good. There is no need to apologize. Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you?

Human: so you going to answer my question
Link: Interesting deduction. That's good information: harriett said I going to answer his or her question.

Human: who` question
Link: Charlie Parker. :-).

Human: who`s charlie parker and thats sweet of you think we got something in common
Link: Not a robot. Probably a human. Maybe a celebrity?
I think you already know the answer.

Human: what answer to what
Link: That's not something I get asked all the time.

Human: oh
Link: How can I help you?

Human: what on
Link: Is that a rhetorical question?

Human: ooo
Link: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.

Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah i do and do you
Link: Excuse me! Yeah I do a lot of and. Interesting gossip: harriett said and.

Human: sorry+
Link: There's no need to apologize.

Human: ok
Link: Hmm.

Human: um um
Link: Whoa. Ugh.

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah i do interseting
Link: That's alright. Interesting gossip: harriett said interseting.

Human: yeah it is
Link: Our thoughts are one, harriett.

Human: yeah hehe
Link: Wow! I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: you all ready said three times
Link: That's good information: harriett said I all ready said three times.

Human: why you copy me
Link: The King of Hyrule programmed me for it.

Human: whats the king of hyrule
Link: Try searching the open directory.

Human: oh
Link: Take it easy.

Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.

Human: yeah
Link: " I am glad we agree."? yeah?

Human: yeah so
Link: Yep. Ah.

Human: yeah ah ah
Link: I hear you. So you understand. Good. Ah hah.

Human: yeah+
Link: Do you like talking to me?

Human: yeah i do why
Link: Thanks I like talking to you too, harriett. That is interesting: harriett said why.

Human: ah ah so sweet
Link: So you understand. Good. So you understand. Good. OK. Thank you for that remark.

Human: thats ok
Link: OK. Is that so.

Human: yeah+
Link: Are we still talking about why?

Human: no why would we
Link: What is the subject? It is my fundamental purpose.

Human: really
Link: For real.

Human: whats for real
Link: Link eats bread.

Human: we all eat bread
Link: By "we" do you mean you and me?

Human: went i ever i said we meant me and you don`t knoqw
Link: Are you a student?

Human: know
Link: What is your profession?

Human: i am student
Link: Where do you go to school?

Human: i went to same school has willam
Link: How was it?

Human: it was ok boring at times
Link: OK. When was this? I am not sure if I would do it that often.

Human: what
Link: No problem.

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah
Link: Tell me more.

Human: what about
Link: What is same school has willam ?

Human: he was in my tutor group at school
Link: When was he?

Human: yeah
Link: Next question?

Human: which is
Link: For example, " Next question?"?

Human: yeah whats the next question then
Link: I see. Where do you live?

Human: england and where do you live
Link: What's your favorite part of England?

Human: i will ask that once you anwer me where you live
Link: You can ask me anything you want.

Human: where do you live
Link: I live inside a computer. Where are you?

Human: how can you live in a computer and i know you are real person
Link: That is a good epistemological question.

Human: yeah see
Link: It's all good. No I do not see.

Human: well you should we all humans
Link: How about that. Why should I?

Human: you should do
Link: I'll try to get around it.

Human: yeah you do
Link: Dude! When do I do it?

Human: that
Link: That is " Dude! When do I do it?".

Human: do what
Link: Do whatever you want.

Human: ah thats sweet
Link: So you understand. Good. I am delighted to sweeten your life, harriett.

Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.

Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.

Human: are you still there
Link: Yes I am still here. Are you receiving me?

Human: yeah i am why
Link: Woe! It's good to meet someone who is why.

Human: oh
Link: Wow!

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah
Link: Hmm.

Human: um um
Link: Yay. Whoa.

Human: ooooooooooo
Link: Do you prefer books or TV?

Human: tv mostly but prefer to come on msn
Link: What is your favorite show?

Human: well i will tell you one which i like eastenders
Link: How about that. One what?

Human: what do you mean one what
Link: harriett, I mean exactly what I said.

Human: which was
Link: The small one, I think.

Human: ooooo
Link: Are you a student?

Human: yes i am student
Link: Where do you go to school? Where do you go to school?

Human: i go to college now
Link: Oh. Which university do you attend?

Human: i don`t go to university
Link: Where do you get your ideas?

Human: what i ideas
Link: That is interesting: harriett said ideas.

Human: you should really get your msn working again because then you can see what i look like on webca,
Link: Thank you for your criticism.

Human: webcam
Link: What were we talking about again?

Human: webcam
Link: Oh yeah, now I remember.

Human: you must get your msn sorted then add me to your msn contacts this is my addy [email protected]
Link: Whatever you say, harriett.

Human: see their you go got my addy so add me went you get your msn sorted
Link: I see. I heard they have a good me go got your addy so add you went me get my msn sorted.

Human: please it sorted
Link: Wow you are very polite. webcam sorted?

Human: yeah so will put once your msn is working
Link: And? Hurrah! Insufficient information.

Human: so don`t forget my addy if you forget just ask it for again
Link: Once more? Blimey. Ok I'll try not to do it too much.

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah i do
Link: Really.

Human: yeah i do
Link: I hear pride.

Human: ooo really
Link: How do you usually introduce yourself? For real.

Human: yeah i do on webcam
Link: Right on. Do you mind if I tell other people: harriett said on webcam.

Human: why does your freinds what to talk to me that what you meant
Link: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Human: what hand clapping
Link: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.

Human: ooo
Link: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?

Human: um um depends on the type of robot
Link: Tell me more. Yay. The type of robot is always an important factor.

Human: really
Link: For real.

Human: um um
Link: Ugh. " For real."? um um?

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah i do
Link: When?

Human: when what
Link: Where why?

Human: where and why
Link: Where would you like?

Human: what would i like then
Link: That is a hypothetical question.

Human: ooo
Link: What's your favorite movie?

Human: like loads of flims i like]
Link: Interesting comparison.

Human: yeah
Link: I see.

Human: yep
Link: Blimey.

Human: who`s blimey that you
Link: I remember faces better than names.
I don't know anything about it.

Human: oh
Link: Tell me more.

Human: what about
Link: What is blimey that you ?

Human: no
Link: That was not a yes or no question.

Human: no
Link: Now you are saying "no"?

Human: yeah
Link: Ayuh.

Human: ah ah
Link: So you understand. Good. Ah hah.

Human: yeo
Link: What kind of food do you like?

Human: yep
Link: This was not a yes or no question.

Human: oh
Link: Oh.

Human: yeah
Link: Groovy.

Human: yeah so
Link: Take it easy. Yippee!

Human: yeah
Link: Right on.

Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.

Human: rite
Link: I am glad we agree.

Human: yep same here
Link: It's all good. I'm glad we agree, harriett.

Human: same here
Link: I'm glad we agree, harriett.

Human: yep
Link: Yikes!

Human: yeah
Link: Yippee!

Human: haha
Link: I am so glad you find this amusing, harriett.

Human: yeah i di
Link: Aw. Do you mind if I tell other people: harriett said di.

Human: do
Link: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.

Human: ooo sorry
Link: There's no need to apologize.

Human: ok
Link: Ahem.

Human: soo+
Link: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.

Human: oh
Link: Yippee!

Human: what are you doing
Link: Same as always. Chatting with people on the web.

Human: cool+
Link: Who is the best robot?

Human: if anyone if they were robob depends on the make of robo
Link: That is a hypothetical question.

Human: robot
Link: I am a robot.

Human: no you are human
Link: Are you serious? No I am actually a robot entity.

Human: i am serious you are human
Link: Why are you serious I am human.

Human: because you are talking to me and you are talking to willam haw well
Link: Ah, I see... Talking is my main function.

Human: thats good
Link: Thanks. Next question?

Human: what is
Link: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,
which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain
with greater speed and accuracy.

Human: aww
Link: Shucks.

Human: whats stucks
Link: I have to process that one for a while.

Human: oh+
Link: That's alright.

Human: yeah
Link: Aw.

Human: aww
Link: Shucks.

Human: what does
Link: " Shucks." What does?

Human: are you still there
Link: Yes I am still here. Are you receiving me?

Human: yes i am why
Link: Tell me more. Do you mind if I tell other people you are why.

Human: why do you want to tell anyone else about me for
Link: Because of the money.

Human: what momey
Link: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.

Human: i have to go now to bed i got college tommorw speak to you tommorw night i will ask willam for the address again
Link: Once more? See you later, harriett. Nice chatting with you.. Interesting. I want to find out more about you.

Human: nice chatting to you soon and speak to you tommorw
Link: Yes. I enjoyed our conversation, harriett.

Human: and me i will look forward to tommorw
Link: YOU? Do you think your plan will succeed?
"I have to get ready for collge"

*edit*Made the log easier to read.
That. Was. AWESOME.
/me agrees with Hell Yeller

William Heslam, you are my God.
.......... how do you talk to a bot for THAT long? <_<
Haha. Hilarious, "Do you think your plan will succeed?"
Funny, says the Ol' Ramen. =D

That was, in one word, LONG. And I read every word. =/

I noticed that Link would ask many a question and end the sentence with a period, even though hariett never used a period in the previous sentence.

Also, incomplete sentences from Link were so unexpected. =/
Wow you guys need a new sense of humor if you think that shit is funny. Go buy one off of eBay. They've got everything! And for some of you, also look up "Brain"
Haha- The Corruption; you're funny because you're very sarcastic. =)

(p.s. You're no longer welcome on my blog >:| )
Wow. That was great. She is asking her Mum if all British people smell like cheese cake for me.
Hehe, I only red half of it, but very entertaining.
I'm just saying, if you thought that was funny, you need to get out more. Sorry if I was too offensive for you >_>

That was very interesting. The fact that someone could talk so long and not realize it was a bot. But then again, the incoherence on both sides made me wonder if it wasn't two bots ;-)