Well, classes are over for the week, and it looks like I'll probably have the time I need to do some more dabbling on vehicle wars.
I'm going to try to get to work sooner rather than later - I regretted only taking Monday of this week to work on it when I could have pulled 4-day-weekend haul. Once I actually get my groove on, I really enjoy game development.
(I'd probably have worked on it on Wednesday, but then I discovered I could catch some free Naruto: Shippuden off TV.com. It's actually quite good - more mature than the original series. Parts of episode 26 were cut from pure awesome.)
Right now, I'm just having a hard time not taking what I'm working on back to the drawing board. I've been to the drawing board, and while it is a place of great promise and interest, the fact of the matter is I could remain there forever without producing anything. Staying on the drawing board also has the unfortunate consequence that you never really know what will work until you try.
Still, I think I'm probably going to adapt what's probably a wise (and somewhat standard) policy of designing before a leap. Before I get too deep into the code, I think I'm going to re-evaluate the way I handle vehicles. The idea of having weapons mounted on hardpoints mounted on the vehicle is a little too cumbersome - I think I'll just throw the weapons into the vehicle.contents and have code bundle it in such a way that is indistinguishable.
What I actually have going on right now is a hotkey system. What I was thinking I would do is basically set up code on any directly controlled mob (like a vehicle) that evaluates the contents of that mob for appropriate items and then sets up hotkeys to activate those items.
So, as pertains to vehicle hardpoints, what I'd probably need is code in place to bundle multiple weapons of the same type into turrets that are mounted on hardpoints. If there's a limit to hardpoints, it would be a limit to the number of types of weapons you can have, or somesuch. |
Sounds interesting.