A few minor hub updates came in today:
- Hub path and hub name can now be set independently. Use this capability when you want a nice, short path for your hub, but a longer name. Lummox JR demonstrates with LummoxJR.SotS2. Find this in Your Hub.
- Along with this came a long overdue bug fix: when you change your hub's path, all forum data is preserved at the new url.
- Unpublished Games no longer shows games without a hub entry. We feel this should have little impact on developers, as games without hub entries are usually in pre-alpha stages of testing. Once a game is ready for public play, it takes just a few minutes to setup a hub entry (don't forget to protect it with world.hub_password!).
If you do host a game without a hub entry, you can still invite your friends via the pager (Members), or simply go to Unpublished Games and your own game will be there. You can copy the Join link and post it anywhere you like without divulging your IP address.
Otherwise, sounds awesome.