The system works as of now, like so:
- Upon character creation you pick a race, a name, and a primary style. All of these become static throughout the rest of the game, and as primary styles work you have access to everything in that style.
- Later on you choose a secondary style from the primary styles, this would only allow you half of the glories of that style, but this is entirely dynamic and has no real effect on your primary style.
- In the end you have 3 styles available. Basic style, Primary Style and your dynamic secondary style. Each of these styles has a mastery tree that you can dump points in every odd level to further customize your styles.
Problem: Secondary style and its mastery tree has a large chance of having nothing to do with your primary style or your corresponding gear/stats... Basically if you choose a primary your secondary choices are limited or become practically meaningless.
New idea...
I want to limit these 8 styles down to 4 basic styles to choose from. Melee, Ki, Speed and Support. (as opposed to the addition of hybrid styles which would mess up the whole secondary ideals). Generally it'd work the same at creation, you choose your primary and later on you learn your (still dynamic) secondary. This way however, I'd like to also allow you to choose your secondary from the same 4 basics, creating your own hybrid styles. In short, I want your secondary style to entirely influence your primary, mastery and all.
So say you decide you want to start out melee, later on you can choose a secondary of KI, and all of those KI abilities and mastery would influence or revolve around your melee. This way you could focus on certain stats rather than trying to build up everything at once. Basically it's a create your own class system.
Problem: This would take a little bit more time, not too long however, but I would need to tweak the system a little and change around skills, I'd say about another full week of pushback before testing.
Personally I'm leaning towards my new idea, only because it makes more sense in my eyes. But I'd still like to hear your opinions on the matter.
As long as it's pwnage when it's out I support this idea.