So anyway, my laptop has been in a poor condition for quite some time now. The keyboard was missing a few keys. So my brother and I decided to do something about it, we jumped on ebay and found the right keyboard.
Now bare in mind, neither one of us know anything about laptop repair. Hell, I don't know anything about building computers in general, much less laptops.
We got the keyboard, and started undoing screws. He gave up, after a day of looking for a service manual to no success, I finally said "screw it" and started to be less than friendly.
Long story short, I managed to replace the keyboard, put all 15-something screws back in place and turn it on. The annoying thing is, mid way, I realised that I only needed to remove five screws from the case itself, two from the keyboard holder.
So yeah, Laptop is now in complete functioning order (I think) once more. And I'm happy!
Jul 11 2009, 8:19 pm
Why is it that even though I clicked unsubscribe from this site that I was still notified of this post.
Riku 123q wrote:
Why is it that even though I clicked unsubscribe from this site that I was still notified of this post. Because you're in his guild. |
Laptop maintenance can be a real pain, especially when they put the hard drive/RAM under the keyboard.
At least most laptops now mark keyboard screws with (K) |
Ollyseeya wrote:
Riku 123q wrote: Oh damn, I got owned. |
DarkCampainger wrote:
Laptop maintenance can be a real pain, especially when they put the hard drive/RAM under the keyboard. Mine didn't do that, RAM has it's own little compartment under the case, remove two screws, slide the ram chip in, put the two screws back and bam. More ram. Even the keyboard wasn't that hard to replace, provided I actually had an ass of an idea what I was doing. Which I didn't until I read a manual on a different Acer laptop that gave me an idea of what to do. In all my screw ups however, I did notice how the sound card output jigger was screwed up. It seems bent out of place, and all attempts to bend it back are futile. I'm curious if I can solder it down, but I'm not sure if that will ultimately damage the laptop. I'll think of something though. (I'm very new to this.) |
I've replaced a few laptop keyboards too; mostly due to missing keys.
More interestingly, the power connector on my old Compaq laptop gradually broke away from the motherboard, so there was absolutely no way to charge it. I had to remove every last component to access this tiny yet vital component and resolder it. The connector was so fragile it was forbidden to lightly nudge the power cable for fear that it come loose again. The wonderful designers at Compaq couldn't have just reinforced it a little bit, nope. There was nothing to support it besides the piece of solder that held it to the board. After opening that thing up and seeing it from the inside I am in awe that it was fine until the warranty expired. A friend with the exact same model had his connector break many, many times. He got so upset that he just ripped the connector out and soldered the power cable directly to the board. |