So I've been seeing a lot of posts about 'siggies' and banners made in various image editting programs.

Here's a proposition for you lot:
Instead of banging out yet another samey, grungy/sparkly-liney banner that appeals in no way whatsoever, why not try incorporating real art styles or techniques?

I put out a challenge to the best banner making BYONDers out there.
- You have to try and make a banner that incorporates and gives homage to the The Golden Ratio. That's right.


Post your banners in the comments section or whatever and we'll see who makes the best one. Be imaginative and creative in what you do, and represent the ratio in however way you wish!
I'll be making my own submission and it's open to everyone. =)
I remember seeing that in "Donald Duck in Math Magic Land" :)
I don't consider you much of a graphics artist so I won't take your criticism.
I don't consider you much of a graphics artist so I won't take your criticism.

Then your stubbornness will just prove to be your demise, Lord of light.
My criticism is more important than any other graphics artists' on BYOND because I have not been indoctrinating into the mindless dogma of making unimpressive "siggies" showing a generic background, some glowing text, and a basic variation between an anime ninja and a black rapper.

Let's take some real life example-
Do football managers, such as England's Sven, actually play football?
And yet he instructs the best footballers England has to offer.

I've seen a lot of graphics (I work in Flash, which is fairly image heavy, working with either mine or someone else's images. I've been using it for just over a year) and I like to think I have enough experience to know something about what makes something pretty and aesthetically pleasing, and when something deserves to lie in the recycling bin.

So if you're a real man (or woman), you'll accept my contest and actually try out some real skill- have an objective in mind when making a banner, not just throwing some random filters and brushes together then pasting "Lord of Light" all over it and displaying it to your yes-men, back-slapping friends.

P.S. I don't like you
I agree with Elation's basic point:

"Sig" makers all seem to churn out the same work, just different

Of course, to the artists making these sigs, their work looks much different than anyone else's... However, to the rest of us, they all look the same...

And it's not just around here... sig makers everywhere all make the same thing... It's like there's some formula they're all following...

[Edit:] Aha! An analogy!

Look around BYOND... You might see hundreds of "RPG"s, right? But what do you notice? They're all basically the same game! That's the way all of these sigs look to us... (heck, if you don't like the "RPG" reference, think of it like all of the DBZ fangames... they're all the same... well, except for a select few, *cough*)
P.S. I don't like you