Aixelsyd wrote:

And I don't know about the people reading this, but I see hating someone without knowing if it's their fault for doing something or not is the pinnacle of asshattery.

I personally don't believe that homosexuality is right but I do not hate the people who choose that lifestyle..I may dislike it but I won't go out of my way to treat them malevolently so to speak.

Feel free to believe in whatever you want, but if God is the asshole that the Bible portrays him as and if a hell and a heaven exists, then it seems like hell is a much better place than heaven.

And I "guess" hell wouldn't be THAT bad if you only end up in the first circle..
Homosexuality can't be right or wrong because it's not a choice. But you are much better than the majority of people that consider themselves Christians on that matter. My mom is sort of a hardcore Christian and she tells me "not to trust gays". That's just ridiculous.

And Dante's inferno scares the crap out of me sometimes, even though I don't really believe it.
Well, as I said, I was only posting to give an explanation as to why people believe the bible. I have nothing else to add to this discussion.
Foomer wrote:
Well, as I said, I was only posting to give an explanation as to why people believe the bible. I have nothing else to add to this discussion.

I don't have a problem with that.
Aixelsyd wrote:
Homosexuality can't be right or wrong because it's not a choice. But you are much better than the majority of people that consider themselves Christians on that matter. My mom is sort of a hardcore Christian and she tells me "not to trust gays". That's just ridiculous.

And Dante's inferno scares the crap out of me sometimes, even though I don't really believe it.

Yeah not all Christians are like the Westboro Church guys for instance but a decent quote from someone whose name I forgot and I wrote down somewhere..."Christians are the worst examples of Christianity."

Thinking about it a little further, the situations aren't all too different...Just because you're aetheist doesn't mean you're immoral and nor does being Christian mean you're discriminatory...

iīm going to hell because thatīs where the party at.
also...i like the last picture
I'm not an atheist (I believe in the existence of a god), nor do I think all Christians are the same. I've just had some bad encounters with Christians and their beliefs.
Aixelsyd wrote:

This isn't really looking at it from a scientific point-of-view, but moreso just regurgitating random facts, as well as some specultaion. Given that only about 4% of the population is gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and given the demographics, they would probably have a significant impact on the population.

Though there is a significant amount of scientific evidence in favor of sexual orientation being innate and determined before birth.
Popisfizzy wrote:
Though there is a significant amount of scientific evidence in favor of sexual orientation being innate and determined before birth.

For example, a chromosomal defect causes homosexuality. I think it might be XXY, though I forget (my reasoning: Y makes you a man regardless, the second X induces female qualities).
It causes feminine features (as well as infertility), but it doesn't cause homosexuality.
Popisfizzy wrote:
It causes feminine features (as well as infertility), but it doesn't cause homosexuality.

Eh, I know there's some chromosomal defect that causes it, I just forget what. My biology teacher spent an entire period detailing tons of them.
"chromosomal defect that causes it" nonsense unless you can prove it.
Jeff8500 wrote:
My biology teacher spent an entire period

well then that makes you an expert, here's your Ph.D

My question is, why was homosexuality even brought up?

It seems as though the pictures and the discussion up to that point were along the lines of Atheists use logic to determine what they perceive to be true and Christianity does not. Homosexuality, regardless of whether it is a choice or pre-determined is not logical. It really has no merits in this conversation.

Regardless, I do find it slightly humorous that some of the same people who bash Christians for believing things based on insufficient evidence also believe that homosexuality is a part of how some people are born, despite insufficient evidence. And I am by no means saying that they aren't correct, just that it is not proven.

That said, clearly there are some crazies out there who cling to their religion for the sake of feeling fulfilled/saved/completed without attempting to truly understand what it is they claim they believe. They exist in every religion, but Christianity is the dominant religion in the US, so of course there are more "Christian Crazies" here than of other religions.
i'm not here to bash the crazies, stupot. i'm here to bash the religion itself

Stupot wrote:
My question is, why was homosexuality even brought up?

It seems as though the pictures and the discussion up to that point were along the lines of Atheists use logic to determine what they perceive to be true and Christianity does not. Homosexuality, regardless of whether it is a choice or pre-determined is not logical. It really has no merits in this conversation.

Actually, the last image discussed homosexuality; it appears you haven't really examined the images or the discussion all that much.

The homosexuality discussion falls in line with using logic to perceive reality insofar as the bible says that homosexuality is bad, however (as was presented in one of the images) the reason for believing the bible is circular logic; in addition, logic would mandate that one should think for oneself about what's right or wrong, instead of blindly trusting one source.
Saeba.Ryo wrote:
"chromosomal defect that causes it" nonsense unless you can prove it.

I just looked it up; one research group from Padua university claims to have found a link, but another study disagrees (the latter represents the view of the scientific community).
The way these posts come about irks me. The only way the atheistic argument can function is from presumption of greater knowledge than the theist.

However, since religion must really be understood as a social instrument and not truly a matter of faith creating this kind of argument belies ignorance on the part of the atheist.

The fact is that the atheist in the argument doesn't really get it, in fact he gets it worse than the theist. The theist is at least working within a system of social cohesion - the atheist is functioning on a more base revenge ethic for perceived maltreatment in his/her life.

Religion is a primary instrument for social cohesion and morality in every part of the world. It sprung up independently in every single civilization. Whether you believe it to be divinely inspired or an evolutionary imperative it is surely one of the two.

On studies of Kibbutzim in Israel(small secluded farming communities) the religious communities were significantly more generous towards their neighbors than their secular counterparts. This is just one study out of many, and whether or not you believe it to be some sort of horrific imposed morality it produces real tangible benefits with a limited personal toll.

The instinctive reaction is to point to religious massacres throughout the world. I in turn point to atheistic massacres - Communism, Nazism and many doctrines killed millions upon millions.

While doctrines can be inherently flawed, this is a function of human vice. American Nationalism can end world war two and Communist Nationalism can murder millions of people. Buddhists can feed millions of poor and Islam can ensnare half of its population in subservience.

This is a function of human vice not so much general ideological flaw(specific ideological flaw is common but a function of vice). Religion is a function of society(for morality) and follows the course of society not visa versa.
Stalin was an atheist, but Hitler was born Christian and referenced religion in many of his speaches etc. , though he didn't go to church (many modern people don't go to church, anyway, though).
I did read the discussion, although I will admit I didn't look at the last picture, nor do I really plan on it.

Once again though, you can't use the homosexuality argument to prove your circular logic theory, so I still don't see how it applies. Rather, it seems to me as though it was brought up because it is a controversial topic.

As far as your bashing religion itself, you are failing to do so. There have already been examples of religious people that use evidence to support their belief in the Bible rather than the word of the Bible of itself.

If you want to bash religion, feel free to do so. But if you want to actually debate instead of sounding like an atheist-fanboy, you're going to have to bring more to the table than circular logic. It wouldn't hurt for everyone in the world to learn some theology (especially the crazies).

Let me start with this one: the origin of the universe.

Science is very much the study of cause and effect. If certain things occur, than what happens next can be predicted. Humans evolved from monkeys, monkeys evolved from something else, that something else evolved from something, until eventually you've got the very first living cell. How did that living cell get there? The Earth was created from some explosion of gases in the great abyss. How did those gases get there? No matter how far back you go, science can never explain why anything IS. Science cannot explain how something gets created from nothing. Therefore, the only explanation for why anything exists must lie outside of science, Vis-ā-vis divinity.

Theology is a great way to expand your ability to think critically, whether you agree with the proposed idea or not. I highly recommend to anyone to read up some theology. If nothing else, it'll help expand your mind.
Stupot wrote:
I didn't look at the last picture, nor do I really plan on it.

if you want to actually debate instead of sounding like an atheist-fanboy, you're going to have to bring more to the table than circular logic.

I already have "brought more to the table than circular logic", but as you yourself said, you refuse to acknowledge it.

"sure i'll discuss this with you, but i won't listen to anything you say!"

Worldweaver wrote:
The fact is that the atheist in the argument doesn't really get it, in fact he gets it worse than the theist. The theist is at least working within a system of social cohesion - the atheist is functioning on a more base revenge ethic for perceived maltreatment in his/her life.

who, in particular, is this revenge-bound atheist you speak of? he seems to be a pretty horrible person.

Religion is a primary instrument for social cohesion and morality in every part of the world. It sprung up independently in every single civilization. Whether you believe it to be divinely inspired or an evolutionary imperative it is surely one of the two.

i'm not going to do something stupid like say religion has no positive benefits; no one here has gone so far as to imply that in any way.

i'm just discussing the irrationality of christianity's beliefs and doctrines; this isn't about examining it in terms of social constructs or positive or negative outcomes or anything like that.

i'll go ahead and clarify the two reasons i made this post:

- some of the images are funny, and people did indeed get some laughs out of them

- i want atheism to be a known option for people out there; i'm tired of seeing or learning about children who lead lives wrought with confusion and inconsolable depression because they feel homosexual urges but are told by their parents/any other pertinent religious figure in their life that it's an awful thing and that they'll go to hell for it.

i'm not trying to say christianity (in general) is bad or should stop, but atheism should not be squelched either. let people think and decide for themselves if they want to be religious, instead of forcing them into (or out of) it through powerful parental / peer influences.
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