And I can't quite but a finger on it.
Is naruto evolution ripped? if so, oh my ignorance. ;-;
Jul 4 2009, 3:51 pm
Jul 4 2009, 4:00 pm
Riku 123q wrote:
I'm unsure, Some people say their base is ripped though. Unless the base was changed recently, it's not ripped. MdNight did most, if not all, pixel art for the game and is pretty skilled. |
Lol, I love my recommendations. BYOND shouldn't count recently played games, I always get suggestions for (X) game because I was on (Y) game to troll.
I got recommended for a Naruto rip While playing Seika. At least it's the right genre/subject.
Omfg I can't tell.... Jk I haven't even played none of those n I'm not intersted n naruto