(I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I didn't know how to make this work with the Bug Report template, so I put it here. Move it if necessary.)

Me and a gaggle of my friends were going to play Last Robot Standing because we had nothing better to do. We were quite surprised and disappointed to see it apparently broken... though not in the way we expected:

Of the players in the list, Avlein - one of my friends - is the only REAL one. The two AIs (since when does this game even have AIs) and "THEAMASTERSWO" are all Ghosts, just things left behind from whatever game-breaking activities the latter partook in God knows how long ago.

-The chat says the game will start whenever someone takes up the fourth slot, but it doesn't actually start; we can also unjoin and rejoin whenever we want and it will keep repeating the message ( )
-"THEAMASTERSWO" and the AIs have blank spaces where their names should be in the Game tab, with "Ready to play" statuses beside where the names should be. Their names also don't appear in the Kick menu, so they can't be removed that way. The server itself doesn't even recognize them as players - the player count as displayed on the Pager is 0 - but they still prevent games from starting. ( )
-We can't vote to reboot the server, as the "Ghosts" seem to exist enough for the game to think that it needs their vote. LRS won't reboot until every player in the list says to do so, and in this case that isn't possible.

I'll be honest in that I don't know what LRS' condition was prior to this, it could've been a scrapped project for all I know, but to have the game broken by something like THIS? Since there seems to be no way to fix the game from the interface, I thought I should contact the forums to see what the deal was. I imagine all that's needed is to give the server a swift kick in the rear end, but I can't do that. Is there any way to fix this?
Hi SL,

Unfortunately we at BYOND help don't have the tools that your looking for to solve this issue, as this seems to be an issue with the current session of the game itself.

While without ruling out the possibility of it being a backwards compatibility bug, I think a hard reboot of the server may correct the issue that your seeing, however, that would also require discovering who is hosting the server and getting in contact with them (Both of which can be difficult tasks).

Deadron has been M.I.A. for a few years now. I remember LRS being broken in the past and either Tom or Lummox JR fixing it. I believe they may have the source to it and I would suggest contacting them.
I'm not sure where LRS is currently hosted, but it sounds like it just needs a server reboot.
I'll also get back on the updating thing, big long side-track there, my bad. I'll see what I can do.
I thought the current LRS server was hosted on a BYOND server, and maintained by BYOND staff? There's been bug reports reported, and Lummy/Tom have fixed them. (fixes including Tom rebooting the server.)
You are right. I just rebooted it.
I've checked the game, and everything is working fine now. Thanks for being prompt with the replies and fix, guys!