I have downloaded the follow file

to my server and then run the "make here" command from the byond folder after unzipping.

but when I attempt to test it I just get the following message

-bash: DreamDemon: command not found

Download via wget
changed folder to "byond"
ran command "make here"
ran command "DreamDemon"

Command "DreamDemon" is not found
DreamDemon isn't the correct spelling.

It's DreamDaemon. Try that and see if it seems to work a little better.

Also, if you only installed it locally, you'll need to add a ./ before DreamDaemon.

Like so:

$ ./DreamDaemon etc...
In response to Stupot
lol, well its still not working

the man help load correctly and I have ran the command
"source /byond/bin/byondsetup"

but when I run the command

"DreamDownload byond://Eviofau.UNO"

I get the error

"-bash: /byond/bin/DreamDownload: No such file or directory"

heres whats in the folder

Server://byond/bin# dir
byondsetup DreamDaemon DreamDownload DreamMaker

there have been no errors to say somethings not right what am i doing wrong?

In response to ZeroLion
default byond build is 32bit and my server is 64bit

installing ia32-libs fixs the issues

for debain
"apt-get install ia32-libs"