Yesterday, I was working on my maps. It took a while to make all the nice looking designs and stuff. I was finished.

Now, I went to go add some verbs =D

I add the simplest of Say verbs to the game, Compile it and then Run it.

There is no Say verb...

If anyone else has run into this problem, feel free to post. I allowed Non-Member comments on this one.

I might start over with the game, and make the verbs first.

Here is the Say verb I used:
Say(msg as text)
set category = "Commands"
world<<"[usr]: [msg]"

I know I probably don't need to put the set category stuff, but I did it anyway...

Until next time, Human scums!
Try using this verb.

mob/verb/Say(t as txt)
set name = "Say"
set category = "Commands"
world << "[usr]: [t]"
t as text. t as txt won't compile.

Could we see your say verb, Grevious? I suspect what's happened is slightly different: You've probably done something like defined say() under mob/player, and then left world.mob as /mob.
mob/verb/Say(m as txt)
set name = "Say"
set category = "Commands"
world << "[usr]: [m]"

[Edit: My other one was txt, not Msg. Sorry. *insert smiley here.*]
Hmm, that's in the first chapter of the DM Guide, isn't it? x_x
Ok guys, thanks, it works now.
I really don't read the DM Guide...
I never read it either. =D

School. *pufe*
I don't blame you. I almost dozed off reading the first chapter. I got to about 6 or so when I gave up and went back to just making icons. x_x
I really don't read the DM Guide...
It is boring, some fun colors and pictures would jazz it up, and make it more fun to read. =/
You should read the DM guide. It's irrelevant whether you find it boring or not, because it's the only way you'll ever learn to write decent code in DM.

The reference is handy for looking up procs, too. After a while you start to get a feel for things.
I think I might start reading it again from the beginning, I basically skimmed through it and missed some important things, and got confused by the time I got to chapter 6.
I read some of the DM guide I found ZBT to be very entertaining, and insiteful though. So, I learned a good deal of stuff from that. I haven't looked at the DM guild in a few years though, maybe I'll look though it again.