Today in the papers I read that some local (I think) 11 year old started playing Resident Evil 4, got so scared that he spazzed out and had an epileptic fit. The newspaper said that Resi 4 was touted to be "the most terrifying and exciting experience in your entire life". I agree with that. =p
Resident Evil 4: 1
Humanity: 0
![]() Jan 10 2006, 7:53 am
![]() Jan 10 2006, 8:00 am
Haha. Now watch, Capcom will get sued or some bullshit because some parent failed to realize that MATURE means MATURE CONTENT. xD
Exactly. There's an 18 (I think, maybe it's a 15) certificate on that game for a reason.
It's 18 for games like that. I would know, my brother is 15 and I had to buy him a god damn DVD and game last week. -.-
Actually, games also come along with a "use at your on risk" warning about them possibly causing epileptic fits with in some children.
Resident Evil really freaked me out when I was a kid. I watched my brother play resident evil 2 (The one where they go to the house, the prequal is it? Or is it just 1?), and it made me restless for a long time. I also became a bit overly scared once I watched a Buffy the Vampire episode that had floating zombie-things in it, I remember I would never go outside at night.
Once I learned about the impossibilities of Zombies and really how pathetic a single one is, I stopped being scared. I was probably 12 or so when it didn't frighten me at all anymore. Good thing I didn't seeany of the Silent Hills when I was little. |
The Resident Evil series are far from scarey to tell the truth. Granted that RE4 is the most graphic out of all of the RE series, they still arent all that scarey.
I have grown up on horror movies, and not just normal ones, those old, classic, B-Horror Zombie movie classics, that sucked, so they relyed on graphic displays of violence to pave its way. People getting their lungs ripped out, torn in half, having their skull crushed and their eyes actully caving in... These are the sort of things Ive seen in movies. For a Zombie video game the RE series is actully pretty tame. Anyways Kunark, the movie industry's defination of Zombies isn't possible, just because of the way we die... BUT, there could be other types of Zombies, with different deffinations. In the Resident Evil 4 game, while reading those notes, they talk about a parasite that actully takes over its host, and them moves it to the top of the plant, so birds and stuff can eat it, so it gets inside the bird or something.. I don't remember eactly... Well that parasite is a real parasite, I looked it up when I was first playing RE4 for the NGC. To me, being a Zombie dosen't mean being undead, it could mean an endless ammount of another things. in 24 days later, the populous was far from dead, but were infected by a horrible creation of science. They have lost their humanity and given into lesser instincts.. I think that could be possible too. Theres all sorts of Zombies, and I believe there could actully be real ones, just not the undead kind. =P |
28 days later is the only thing I ever see getting close to zombieism. Some super-contagious disease that sends people into a rage like Rabies does... Like Rage in 28 days later.
There are real Zombies in Haiti, but they aren't what we see them as. They are living people who are victims of a powerful poison that makes them vegetables. |
I also became a bit overly scared once I watched a Buffy the Vampire episode that had floating zombie-things in it, I remember I would never go outside at night. Are you talking about the Gentlemen? The ones that lock everyones voices away, and can only be killed by screams? uhhhggg *Shivers* I hated them too. |
The Resident Evil series are far from scarey to tell the truth. Granted that RE4 is the most graphic out of all of the RE series, they still arent all that scarey. People getting their lungs ripped out, torn in half, having their skull crushed and their eyes actully caving in... These are the sort of things Ive seen in movies. I'd have to say gore isn't always the thing that makes a game/film scary. The suspense, shock and surprise in RE4 shocked me so much that I'd have to take 10 minute breaks where I'd just sit, staring at a wall, thinking nothing... |
I'd say they should sue, but being that the game clearly displays the ESRB rating they shouldn't have given it to the 11-year old in the first place.
I remember the first time I played a RE game. RE2, when I was rather little(it hadn't been out very long; it was the latest in the series at the time). Wasn't scared a bit(I did jump at the sound effects, on occasion though). Of course, I grew up on scary movies(things like Children of the Corn, Leprechaun, Friday 13th, etc), so seeing a bunch of slow moving zombies didn't scare me much(though later in the game there were a few that did, for some reason). Well, that's why we have the ESRB. >_> |
I'd have to say gore isn't always the >thing that makes a game/film scary. The >suspense, shock and surprise in RE4 >shocked me so much that I'd have to take >10 minute breaks where I'd just sit, >staring at a wall, thinking nothing... WTF are you? I have never been scared of a game, but the idea BEHIND zombies scare me. All the movies I have, is all the same plot, humans versus a overwheling, unbeatable odd that they still struggle to survive agenst. Honestly I do have nightmares of zombies, piling on top of me, and eating me alive, but those are from these hardcore movies I watch. There was nothing in any of the resident evil seires that made me jump... but... In Doom 3, there is a stage where all the power goes out, and you are walking down these tight halls and stuff, with nothing but a light on your pistol, and you can hear stuff shuffle around and suddenly monsters well leap out from the shadows and like scream in your face. Once it scared me, because I wasn't expecting it. After that I was able to play through the stage just fine. To tell the truth I am more afriad of the dark then anything. There is something about not knowning what is in front of you scarey. That and when I was 5 my step sister locked me in a dark closet for 5 hours when she didnt want to watch me and I feel alseep becuase I got so tired from screaming and crying. =( |
Shades wrote:
WTF are you? Whatever man, you fap to hentai. >_> To tell the truth I am more afriad of the dark then anything. There is something about not knowning what is in front of you scarey. I used to be scared of the dark, but then I turned 5. Just kidding. I turned 3. Just kidding. No, really. I got used to the dark after sneaking on to my computer at 3 AM without wanting to alert my parents (my computer is across the landing and in a different room. The amount of squeaky floorboards and unoiled doors makes it quite a scary experience). |
I am scared of the dark. Alone, or with others.
I dont mind it when I'm in my house, other than that I dont enjoy it. Unless I'm around a nice warm camp fire or something. |
Quite Honestly I am fine when I am with other people, and I have grown used to the dark by forcing myself to walk home at night, in dark allys and stuff. but I am still afriad of it.
A fear isnt just a age thing Elation. Try to insult me jacking to hentai? Go for it, wont get you anywhere beach. WHatever floats your boat, thats what I say. |
I can walk around in the dark, getting to and from places. Or sleep out in tents etc. I just dont feel comfertable.