Not knowing what happened to Squall at the end of FF8 is driving me crazy, theres was too many possabilities...

He died, Rinoa is going crazy at the end, she eventually becomes Ultiwhatchamacallher, makes a GF based on Squalls ring to protect her like Squall once did (You have to admit, ultiwhatchacallher did look an awefull lot like Rinoa, and we know sorcresses don't age cause of Edea)...


He survived and she was waving her finger at him in the end, he's just off the camera...

Many other possabilities too... So... Confused... I want to knoow!

Any input?
(Stupid isnt it? I havent been able to sleep properly since I finished FF8 cause of this...)

Changed the song again!
I ended up playing FF8 for months after I finished it trying to kill Omega Weapon without use of invincibility or Sophie's limit break. I wasn't about to sleep until I did.
I didn't think I would be able to beat the final boss. I had Squall and Zell on level 100, Riona on level 86 the others on levels 40 - 50 and Sophie on like.. level 16.

It was not an easy battle, but I managed it, and that game will forever be my faveourite PS1 game. Pitty Final Fantasy X sucked major ass, it was a real letdown.
I had all my char's on level 100, I only completed it with Squall left alive, everyone else died... <_< but then, I didn't unlock limit breaks or item or anything, I only unlocked save... I was crazy... Notice how the GF at the end is "Greiver" same as Squall's ring? Makes me think that whats her name really IS Rinoa from the future... Created that GF to protect her like Squall once did.
His ring, necklace and the chain that hung off his Gunblade all had Greiver. When you named the ring, the name you chose was the name of Greiver.
FF8 is ridiculously easy once you get Lion Heart. You can just spam Renzokuken (Casting Aura, of course) and blow things to all hell.

Or you use Eden with Boost, and deal ridiculous quantities of damage (Eden breaks damage limits). Or, if you want a complex tactic, you set up Rinoa so she only has the spell Meteor in her inventory, equip meteor to Magic, cast aura on her, and use Angel Wings. Then, it's just a matter of keeping her alive. Angel Wings triples her magic, and lets it break the 255 limit. With meteor, that's what's technically known as a shitload of damage.
Yeah, I was never sure if squall really died. But in my opinion it was the best final fantasy game so far.
God, pardon my french, but you guys sucked :P

I beat Ultimecia with Squall at like level, 70 I think, Quistis at around that level, and Zell at around level 60.

I beat Omega Weapon without use of invincibility or sophies limit break with Squall level 100, Quistis level 100, and Zell like level 90.

By the time I was level 100, I could kill Greiver in 1 hit and I think Griever Junction in like 3. You can't kill Ultimecia in 1 hit but I still whooped her ass.

It's funny using Quistis's final attack on the final form of ultimecia. The one you need Dark Matter for. You'll see why if you use it.

FF8 was my favorite final fantasy for it's battle system. It's story wasn't quite as good as FF7's was, but FF8's battle system kicks FF7's ass.

The Ultima Weapon battle in FF8 is just epic, in my oppinion, as well. Squall gets on that mother****er's face!
Those end fights are all easy, I did them with just the "Attack" command unlocked... Lol was too lazy to go around beating all the bosses...

Squall didn't die at the end. I have to admit the thought had crossed my mind once, but if you take notice to the ending FMV scenes. You'd see when Rinoa finally finds Squall lieing there, she picks him up and thinks hes dead. She grabs onto him and they found their way to the present. She turned to Squall and smiled (looked suprised) this shows us that Squall must have been regaining conciousness.

Then if you watch it all the way, at the final credits you see Rinoa and Squall kiss. So obviously he has to be alive for that to happen.

I wondered about the Ultimecia = Rinoa theory, I even discussed it on my forum. They only look like eachother because I heard they used the same character models for the females, if you take a look at their faces, you'd see each female in FF8's FMV's do look a lot alike. It's a good theory though, and makes a lot of sense.

Kunark, when I first played FF8. I beat all the forms of Ultimecia just by using magic and limit breaks (I had like all their standard weapons). That took hours, but I won eventually. Try that on for size! :P

My file size now is over 100 hours, I have almost absolutly everything, lvl 100, all GF's, magic (well except the one you can only get at the final battle), items, cards, weapons, limit breaks, I've beaten Omega, etc.

I always used to use Squall, Rinoa and Selphie. Selphie for her Full Cure limit break, Rinoa for her Invincible Moon and Wishing Star limit breaks and Squall for Lionheart.

I think its a great game, not too easy, not too hard. Omega was a good bad guy, but I beat him in 3/4 tries.

Drawing is the main annoying thing about it though.
Kunark, when I first played FF8. I beat all the forms of Ultimecia just by using magic and limit breaks (I had like all their standard weapons). That took hours, but I won eventually. Try that on for size! :P

Damn right. Try doing it with three high level characters and everyone else down in the low 40's and one on level 16 x.x
If I could, I'd find my old memory card and tell you exactaly the levels of everything. I know that gun slinger dude, Irvine or something like that, he was pathetic and very weak <.<
I never cared about Sophie so I didn't level her. I only stuck with Squall, Zell and Riona.
ff8 pwns its my fave =]

i found a good way to beat omega weapon with rinoa by herself =]

beating ultemecia is easy i had squall zell and rinoa in their high 90's and eveyrone else like at lvl 20 i myself killed my weak party members then just used meltdown aura and pwnded with my limits =]

btw, ultemecia is NOT rinoa.

the storyline to ff8 is a great one and i would love to rant on about it =]
Just wondering if your still alive.

i'm Jon. Tyler's friend XD

Remember us? from a long time ago >.>
We used to all play fso =]

I updated my email information.