Really, REALLY bad day. I'll post after the drugs have worn off and I can feel my face again.
You type with your face?
Wisdom teeth removed?
Nah, my first filling. =( I just hate needles and my mouth is still totally numb. Then my mum took me to do the doctors where I was prodded and drilled with questions about how I feel and about my wanting to 'harm myself'. Sigh. I'll never tell my parents anything again as they seem to misinterpret stuff.
I had a filling last summer... I loved scratching my lower lip... being all numb and what not... an hour and a half of just non-stop fun... scratching... and scratching... good times...
Atleast it was only one... -Shudders because he's had 9 fillings in the last 2 and a half months-
KamiKaziSamuri wrote:
an hour and a half of just non-stop fun... scratching... and scratching... good times...

No offence, but you're weird. -_-
I agree. I hate that numb feeling...not to mention I have a paranoid phobia of needles...getting injected in the gum REALLY isn't my cup of tea.
I have anout 8 fillings in my mouth due to wisdom teeth cracking open other, defenceless teeth.

I'm not afraid of needles as much anymore :D
Elation at least the needle dosent hurt going into your gums. Out of all injections, the one for the dentist office is the least worst. Although I heard sometimes they have to go through the outside of your cheek or under the tougn and I heard that hurts.

Elation, be glad it was JUST a cavity.

3 years back I had what started to be a cavity and I ignored it, and last year I had to have it pulled because it had rotted to the core and had a infection going into my jaw.

When I went to the dentist after being in so much pain, they had to inject me 12 times, the first 4 trys before that, when they tried to pull my tooth out, I could still feel it. Do you have ANY idea what it feels like, to have a doctor try and YANK a rotten tooth out when the nerves in the tooth arent frozen yet? My mom said she could hear me scream in the waiting from the first time he did it.

When he finally forze it good and hard (He fucked up my jaw with the last injection, he pushed the needle so far into my jar, he had to yank it to get it back out, and now my left side of the jaw is stiff and hard all the time.. and I get shooting pains if I open it too wide.) He took a set of medical pliare and yanked and twisted on the tooth until it came out.

EVen though I couldn't feel the tooth itself being pulled (pain wise) I could still feel and HEAR the crunhing and nashing inside my head.

20 mins later he had my tooth out, he said I had the biggest roots he had ever seen. If I can find the link Ill show you the scan of the tooth, I kept it and scanned it the tooth was so big.
When I had dentist injection, it didnt paticularly work very well, ok It didnt work at all. He didn't bother injecting me 12 times, 4 at the beginning I believe and one later on (which didnt work either) so I ended up feeling all four teeth being chipped out, so I've felt what its like. I didnt scream, but my constant "Ow Ow Ow Ow" was apparently quite audioble throughtout the building.
Yeah Ace, but this was a rotten tooth with a infection down in the jaw.
All of my 'baby' teeth came in rotten because of the medication I was given as an infant for my heart condition, I've had well over a dozen teeth pulled and all of my back teeth filled, I can't even feel injections in my mouth anymore, or drills, or getting teeth pulled =P. Recently one of my old fillings fell out and instantly a cavity formed and very quickly grew out of the side of my tooth...unfortunatly I can't afford to visit the dentist so I'm going to have to wait for the cavity to kill the roots of the tooth and pull it myself.
I wish I hadn't have read those last 4 posts... that was horrible v_v my teeth are starting to ache.
Shades wrote:
Elation, be glad it was JUST a cavity.