Keywords: byond
Alright lately,Byond seems epicly dead right now. Like last year or 2 years ago old times byond was like the thing and it was fun with all these cool games and stuff but now.....? Byond is like completely gone like idk whats wrong?Is it the cause of too many rips now? where are all the fun games. To be honest, i was addicted to byond like literally i could not stop playing this game through morning to night.But now im not that much addicted because there is not much stuff to do on byond.Something needs to be changed,something needs to be added, something at all to make byond back and active and better.I liked byond the way it was with all those good games such as Nfv,blobble all those games it was fun but now? every single time i login byond first things i see is rips,rips,rips like damn. i would create a original game but coding is like is not the thing i would like to do and yea but like just telling you byond needs a change or sooner or later byond is gonna completely "DEAD"
Stay away from the fan-game section of BYOND and you won't see rips. They're not really so much of a problem anymore since we can effectively hide them now.

Also there is plenty to do on BYOND, you just have to look. Have a gander at the games list and try sorting by a few of the tags to find what you like!
Despite the rising number of users on the site, every year there are those who state BYONDs dead.

I believe the removal of the members page made BYOND appear less active. But the community is still there; they are simply spending their time programming or playing games.

Also, most of the rips are rejected. If any happen to get past, make a report. Either way, always check game updates to view new and older games that are currently in production.
Yes i did not make my topic specific of the type of game i meant and the games i meant that are dead is anime and there actually not any good anime games.But yea anime games are the only type i play non-including action games which only action game thats good is dead world but yes im just tired of rips thats all.
Actually i would like to learn how to icon or gfx myself but
i am not much of an artist. but after reading this i shall step up and create a original game for B.Y.O.N.D. and right now i shall start learning how so if anyone wants to team up with me to make a change for byond ask away on pager or site or even here if you like. Ty for reading this topic and thank you for giving me the courage to step up and make a change. :)
It'll be easier to just do it yourself. Don't wait to team up with someone.
But learning to code is very hard and i really dont wanna go through the whole entire dm guide i will probally do that after but i will start off learning how to icon first.
It's not hard. The language is so dumbed down you have to be lazy not to understand it. It's almost as simple as Game Maker's drag and drop feature. Go look up some code from a game written in another language, then compare it to a DM source code and you'll see what I mean.

Also, very few people here are reliable. You'll be wasting tons of your time trying to find someone motivated enough to teach or learn the language with you and go on to make a game with you as well.
Alright i will read the dm guide right now and hopefully soon in a couple of months or most likely more i will come out with a new game for byond :) that everyone will enjoy.
BTW the DM Guide isn't the only way to learn. If you have trouble with that, you can go the tutorial & demo route. I learned from Zilal tutorials and I'd link you to them but they're not listed on the site for some reason. I probably wouldn't be a programmer if it wasn't for those tuts.
All of those tutorials and other helpful programming articles can be found here.
Found it.

Brings back memories. It took me two days to actually comprehend and finish this tutorial, lol. The first day I raged all because of an indentation error then I figured it out the next morning and made my first game. Fun times.

Also, LA, that should be stickied in Tutorials & Snippets as well. Seems kind of weird to have it in Developer Help. That's more of a "how do I do x?" rather than "how do I make a game?" section - which is what that post has in it.