you did not
Well, I hold immunity for my Members page clearly displays my real name. =P
Me, Hazman and DAU on the other hand...we think your blog, Gug, has a really horrid colourscheme! >:D

Me too!

Posted by: Haha I don't have to tell!
I think the real irony in the law is not that it was botched by Republicans, but that they're starting to step in for the King of Stupid Ideas now that he's retired. I speak of course of former Senator Fritz Hollings, D-SC. That's some dangerous stupidity right there in a tightly coiled package. Copyright and intellectual property law would probably be a much nicer arena right now, and the world a better place, if he'd been tossed out by his constituents about 3 terms earlier. It's sad that there are morons willing to take his place.
I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?I'm annoying you?
What about annoying popups?
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