Keywords: mylibraries
I'm currently working on a library which allows players to report bugs and make suggestions within your games, and then allows you to track bugs and sugs for all your games from one place. While it is something I needed for my actual project, I'm mostly doing it to learn how to use Deadron's XML library.

All bugs and sugs are stored in XML files, and you can read/edit/delete them for any game, using an HTML interface, from any of your games which include the library. I'm also working on allowing you to import them from other peoples hosted instances of your games.

Bugs or sugs will be sortable by game, person posting, or time reported. I may add in a 'Silently ignore reports from [X]' option, to keep my sanity level propped up.

So far, I'm still mostly working on optimizing my XML work. I'm doing a lot of searching for the same element types in various procs, and I could probably work out a much cleaner way to do it. Feel free to make any suggestions for other features you'd like to see.

And thanks to Deadron for a great library :)

You're going to get stuck in a streak of libraries which hold up your games again. You know that right? ;)
Yeah, I know :P But I actually wanted to learn how to use XML, as I was thinking of making a lot of the piece information in Kingdoms XML based.
Wow, Nice blog!
Very happy to see the XML library being used, as XML is my daily life. Please let me know if you need any features, or find any problems!
Finally somebody got some usage out of Deadron's awesome library! I was using it previously for some basic mallaeble gamedata storage and had a bit too much fun just toying with the XML. ;)

Additionally, what'a sug? :P
I can't wait to see it, Flick... but I'll just rest here in your pretty green blog while I am waiting. :-)

Malver: A 'sug' is a suggestion :)
I would like to report a person on the game Pokemon March of 1000 Souls. Key name: Star. Star spammed and apparently it had a Virus and it crashed my computer. Now I will not be able to go on Byond as a result of this action. I would very much appreciate if you did something about this because now I barely have anything to do on the computer.

David Phantoms
Okay, firstly, this post is THREE FUCKING YEARS OLD. Second, Flick has nothing to do with some stupid Pokemon rip. Thirdly, he "spammed" and it had a virus? That makes no sense at all.
Yeah, I'll get right on that... :P

Extreme random necropsy for the... win?