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What's going on with Dragon Universe?
Tens i am banned for some reason,can you fix that please
Tens. Some guy crashing the server. His name is Neikan. Crashed the server 2 times already. I think he's gonna crash it more '_'
I need an unban from the forums and hosting because i have been banned for about a year for no reason.
got my server on invisible but it wont let me invite people
I have been banned from forums for about 8 months. As I don't understand why I was banned in the first place. I do understand the guidelines Exgen posted. I follow them all. As Exgen came and looked on my server ran by Sherwood willingness. I can't post details of my server at all. Details of my server are very clean and well put. Not too much or too little. I hope you unban from forums atleast.

X.X can you add me on pager, i got another bug to report to u
Add me to your pager. One of your players is trying to hack my pc.
And hes trying to frame me we really need to talk.
hey tens can you unban me from adminless server plz..
Exgen banned me cause of spam..plz i wont do it again
hello tens, i am laimingass from du and i have a request for the next update, add more play music, atleast 10 more, and make sure you add kid buu theme please.
Tens i think i found a bug while Sleet(Fuk Yu), one of the strongest person on your server, was wishing for the dragonballs he changed his name to 712509090909123339 i dont think he would do that just for fun and as he have average stats and beat everybody without even losing life i think it just makes the bug worse...
can i get unbaned from du i did nothing wrong please
tens i have a suggestion for you: make angry system be like it was on finale because the angry heal is op and in exchange make the bp boost be a little bigger
You I know that you are my friend I'm talking to that reason they do not stock their fluent mind I wanted to apologize for mistakes I speak English with ex brother gave me ban because of that I would ask many excuses I'm not going to talk in occ by Please help me i like this game too
You please I'm begging you because you are my friend
I'm not talking more en occ I was speaking in English so that errors because i do not know...
Have I would be grateful if you could help me
Tens, I hate to say this, but the fact is that you couldn't care less about the sorry state of affairs of your own games. The pooch/games (and the playerbase) are screwed because you support EXGenesis and his 'my way or you're banned' mentality. If you were smart, you'd get rid of him in a flash, and open source/open hub the game like SS13.
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