Is there ANY documentation for dragon universe?
I can't find anything, how do I add someone as admin? How do I remove the car?
Hey Tens. I used to host a server on DU via Dream Daemon so head admin verbs were given out automatically to the host. However, I recently started hosting a server on a shell server but am unable to get admin rights due to me not being the host. Could you please tell me how to program myself as an admin on my server?
Come on server WIPE FUll GOGO
Any chance you can message me, Tens? On Skype, Discord, or Byond?
I'm a long time player of DU. I've been playing Doniu's servers for the past year and apparently, there is some sort of disagreement between you guys. Doniu is taking this out on the players of his server. He is starting to ban one player a day on his servers and threatening to limit his servers to a max of 30 players until his concerns are addressed(by you Tens). This concerns me, being an avid fan of the game. I'm concerned for the future of DU and the consequences that this course of action will bring forth. I'm on board with whatever is needed to increase DU's general player base and player retention. Please at least talk to the man before me, and many other veteran players just say "Fuck DU" and leave a very limited community of players. Having disagreements with one of your most prolific hosts doesn't seem to be working out very well for either of you.The future of DU is in your hands Tens... please do what you can to make it a bright one.
what just happend to du
Hey, I'm looking for the other platform you run DU on. Wanna hook me up?
Hey Tens, is there any way you could allow support for the web client? I don't think it would be too hard to transfer all the DM code (assuming) to a JS/HTML canvas. It would allow a few more people to play the game as well :)
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