Maze Game

by Darkster
Maze Game
Have Fun Trin To get through the mazes!
Welcome to MAZES!

Version 10
-New character tab
-Other text changes

Version 9
-Chose to be good or evil at start!
-Two new maps!! Fake walls to portals!
-Little text changes.

Version 8
-Admin commands up! RULE BREAKERS BEWARE!
-Little text changes here and there.

Version 7
-New verbs, you can now press the start over verb to start over, the second verb is play music, I set it up so it plays a song... but if you have a song press it and search... then play it.
-Made the mob states a different panel, so it is split from the verbs.
-Made verbs to toggle music on and off!
-Updated portals to next levels, its a new icon with flash movie, not the stupid go here signs :D

Version 6
-New character added, you can now be a shadow from the command menu.
-When you die because of a booby trap you respawn at the maze you died at.
-Little text changes here and there.

More updates to come, this really is a fun game if you give it a try!

Next update to come is most likely rats you have attack, and you have health.

If you have any feedback or info about my game that would make it better post in forms or mail me at [email protected] or AIM me at sweetskater1491! Also im looking for new GMs that could help me code.. like make new mazes or new verbs! Email me if interested!Thanks

I'm going to try to be a 24/7 host!